Moving the EventLog Analyzer MSSQL Database to a Different Directory in the Same Server
This procedure is applicable for EventLog Analyzer version 8.0 (Build 8010) onwards.
How to find the build number?
In the EventLog Analyzer web client, click "?" on the top right corner of the screen and click on About. You will find the build number mentioned below the build version.
This is the build number of the currently installed EventLog Analyzer.
Moving the EventLog Analyzer MS SQL database
Stop the EventLog Analyzer Server/Service.
Login to SQL Server database with system administrator permissions.
Find the current location of the data file and log file for the database named 'eventlog' by using the following commands:
Copy to Clipboard
use eventlog
Detach the database by entering the following commands:
Copy to Clipboard
use master
sp_detach_db 'eventlog'
Copy the data file and the log file from the current location (<MSSQL Home>\DATA\eventlog.mdf and <MSSQL Home>\DATA\eventlog_log.ldf) to the new location (<New location>\eventlog.mdf and <New Location>\eventlog_log.ldf).
Re-attach the database and point to the new location by using the following commands: