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Retention Settings

EventLog Analyzer retains log data in its database for a customizable time period. The database contains two sets of log data: raw logs and formatted logs. You can customize separate time periods for both the log data. After this period, the data will be permanently deleted from the database. Keeping the logs in the database forever will consume memory and increase overhead costs.

Note:  The archive and database storage are asynchronous operations i.e. they are unrelated.

To customize retention settings,

  • In the Settings tab, navigate to Admin Settings > Data Storage > Retention Settings.
  • DB Retention Settings
  • In the Current Storage Size box, enter the number of days for which the raw logs need to be retained in the database. The default value is 32 days.
  • In the Correlation Retention Period box, enter the number of days for which the formatted logs need to be retained in the database. The default value is 90 days.
  • In the Alert Retention Period box enter the number of days for which the alerts need to be retained in the database. The default value is 90 days.
  • In the Audit Retention Period box enter the number of days for which Audit data for External APIs and technicians will be retained in the database. The default value is 90 days.
  • After having entered all the values, click Update to save settings.
DB Retention Settings

The Confirm Action box will appear. Click on Confirm.

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