Configure data sharing rules

Configure data sharing rules

To configure data sharing rules:
  1. In Settings page click on the Users option under Advanced settings section.

  2. The Users page will be displayed. Click on the Data Sharing section.

  3. The data sharing page will be displayed.
    If no data sharing rule exists:
    1. Click on the Add rule button.

    2. The New Share Rule tab will be displayed. Enter the rule name, modules, records shared, and level of access. Click Save.

    3. The new data sharing rule will be reflected in the Data sharing page.

    To configure an existing rule:
    1. The list of data sharing rules will be displayed. Navigate to the required rule and click on it.

    2. The Edit sharing rule tab will appear. Configure the rule name, modules, records shared, and level of access. Click Save.

    To add a new data sharing rule:
    1. Click New sharing rule in the top-right corner.

    2. The Share actions tab will appear. Enter the rule name, modules, records shared, and level of access. Click Save.

    3. The new data sharing rule will be reflected in the Data sharing page.

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