Workflow variables

Workflow in OpManager allows you to automate repetitive tasks and processes. With the simple, drag and drop action, you can create a workflow easily and configure the criteria to execute it.

You can use these variables discussed in this page, while configuring the alarm or schedule trigger in a workflow.

Alarm variables

Below we have listed the alarm variables which will be return its associated value during the alarm trigger.

Variable Value
$alarmid The alarm id will be displayed.
$message The alarm message will be displayed.
$displayName The alarm name will be displayed.
$category The category of the alarm will be displayed
$stringseverity The severity of the alarm is displayed.
$strModTime Returns the value of the time at which the string was modified.
$eventType Returns the event type.
$entity Displays the entity value.
$lastPolledValue Displays the last polled value.

Device properties

Below we have listed the device related variables which will return its associated value during the alarm trigger.

Variable Value
$DeviceField(type) Displays the type of the device
$DeviceField(ipAddress) Displays the IP address of the device.
$DeviceField(isSNMP) Shows whether the device is monitored with SNMP or not.
$DeviceField(dependent) Shows whether the device is a dependent device or not.
$DeviceField(hardDiskSize) Displays the hard disk size
$DeviceField(ramSize) Displays the RAM size.

Interface properties

Below we have listed the interface specific variables which will be return its associated value during the alarm trigger configured for interfaces particularly.

Variable Value
$IntfField(ifDescr) Displays the description of the interface.
$IntfField(displayName) Returns the display name of the interface.
$IntfField(ifAlias) Displays the alias name of the interface.
$IntfField(ifName) Displays the interface name.
$IntfField(ipAddress) Displays the IP address of the interface.
$IntfField(physMedia) -
$IntfField(ifIndex) Shows the interface index
$IntfField(ifCircuitID) Shows the circuit ID
$IntfField(ifSpeedIn) Displays the input speed.
$IntfField(ifSpeedOut) Displays the output speed.

Common variables

These variables can be used for alarm trigger, schedule trigger and during manual workflow execution.

Variable Value
${DeviceName} Displays the device DNS name.
${WorkflowName} Displays the name of the workflow.
${Device.DisplayName} Shows the display name of the device
${IPAddress} Displays the IP address of the device.
${Date} Displays the current time.

Custom fields for interfaces

The following are interface related custom variables that are used while configuring the alarm criteria in workflow.

Variable Value
$IntfCustomField(Circuit ID) Displays the custom circuit ID of the interface.
$IntfCustomField(Comments) Displays the comments for the interface.
$IntfCustomField(Contact Name) Displays the custom contact name of the interface.
$IntfCustomField(SLA) Displays the SLA for the interface

Custom fields for devices

The following variables are device related custom variables that are used while configuring the alarm criteria in a workflow.

Variable Value
$CustomField(Building) Displays the building where the device is installed.
$CustomField(Cabinet) Displays the cabinet of the device.
$CustomField(Comments) Displays the comments added for the device.
$CustomField(Contact Name) Displays the custom contact name for the device.
$CustomField(Date) Displays the date.
$CustomField(Department) Displays the department where the device is used.
$CustomField(Floor) Displays the floor where the device is installed.
$CustomField(RackPosition) Displays the rack position.
$CustomField(SerialNumber) Displays the serial number
$CustomField(Telephone Number) Displays the telephone number for contact.
$CustomField(VMware_Tags) Displays the VMware tags related to the device.

Note: Users can add more custom fields as per their needs. The custom field variables must follow this syntax: $CustomField(Field name).

Monitor properties

The below variables are related only to monitor-specific alarms raised in OpManager.

Variable Value
$MonitorField(monitorName) Displays the monitor name.
$MonitorField(instance) Displays the instance for which the monitor is configured.
$MonitorField(protocol) Displays the protocol configured for the monitor.

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