Exporting Passwords for Secure Offline Access9 minutes to read
PAM360 provides multiple export options for secure offline access and safekeeping of password information.
In both the above options, you can export the resources, accounts and passwords for offline access. Administrators can decide which option should be used in their organization. In addition, the export can be enabled or disabled for specific users or user groups based on requirements. However, before configuring user-specific settings for export, the feature should first be enabled globally for all the users. At the end of this document, you will have learned the following:
1. Steps to Configure Settings Globally for Export/Offline Access
The settings will then take effect globally for all users and administrators in PAM360. 2. Steps to Export ResourcesThe passwords can be exported by users and administrators as per settings configured by the PAM360 Administrator. To export resources, navigate to Resources >> Export Option 1 - Exporting resources in plain text to a spreadsheetTo export resources in plain-text, click the button Export present in the Resources tab and select In Plain-Text from the drop down. The resources are exported to a file and it is shown as a pop-up. Save the file in a secure location in (.xls) format. Option 2 - Exporting resources as an encrypted HTML fileTo export resources as an encrypted HTML file,
The resources are exported to a file and it is shown as a pop-up. Save the file in a secure location in (.html) format. 3. User-Specific Settings for Export/Offline AccessTo restrict certain users from having one or all the password export options to allow only specific users to have this permission, user-specific settings can be changed by navigating to Users tab, selecting the desired users for whom settings should be changed, and clicking on More Actions >> Change Offline Access Settings. Alternatively, you can also carry out changes for an individual user by clicking on the User Actions icon against that specific user and selecting Export / Offline Access from the dropdown. 3.1 Imposing restriction for usersYou can also impose granular restriction for the users while enabling/disabling export password options.
3.2 Least privilege model for security reasonsFor security reasons, PAM360 adopts Least privilege model for users. For instance, let's assume that a particular user is part of three user groups and there is group level restrictions for one of the groups - the members of the group are not allowed to export passwords in plain text. In the above scenario even if the user has permission to export passwords in plain text at individual level, the restriction imposed on one of the groups in which the user is part of, will take precedence. This rule applies for all type of restrictions as explained above. | |