Resources and Resource Groups18 minutes to read
PAM360 allows you to add the critical machines from your environment into the solution to manage them efficiently. PAM360 classifies any critical asset whose user accounts and passwords are to be managed by PAM360 as a 'Resource'. A 'resource' can be any server, application, network device, or appliance in your environment that carries authentication credentials that need to be secured from external attacks and managed regularly. The term Account denotes the 'User Account' & 'Password' that are a part of a 'Resource'. PAM360 allows you to add all the accounts pertaining to the resources and manage them individually in the product. A large enterprise organization's IT network typically contains multiple critical machines that have similar needs in terms of management. In this case, it is beneficial to group the machines together based on their individual need or criteria and oversee them together. PAM360 offers the resource group functionality to solve this challenge. A Resource Group in PAM360 denotes the group to which a particular resource belongs. For example, if you have some Windows 10 servers among several other Windows servers, you can group all the Windows 10 servers as a single resource group. Once your PAM360 setup is complete, import users and user groups from your environment into the solution through various means such as manual addition, user addition using API, and via discovery. PAM360 offers multiple authentication methods to choose from, such as Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, LDAP, Radius authentication. In addition, there are several options available for SAML single sign-on and two-factor authentication as well. The Resources tab in PAM360 serves as an expansive space in which you can view and manage all the resources owned by you and/or shared to you by other administrators, along with the related accounts, and their respective passwords. The Password Explorer tree in the Resource tab contains a variety of options that consolidate all your resources based on criteria such as the resource groups they are part of, how frequently they are accessed, and so on. This document explores the wide range of operations you can perform from the Resource tab and covers the way in which you can utilize the powerful privileged account management features in PAM360 to their fullest. Click through the links below to get started with the Resources tab:
1. Exploring the Resources TabNavigate to the Resources tab to get started with adding resources to PAM360. The Resources tab is broadly divided into three parts:
The Password Explorer tree on the left pane displays an array of available resources arranged based on categories, such as All My Passwords, Owned and Managed, Favorites, and Recently Accessed. It also contains two other sections: Admin Actions and Groups. The section below explains each category in detail. 2. What is the Password Explorer Tree?The Password Explorer tree organizes all the available resources in PAM360 and displays them under different categories. Click a category name to view the resources that are specific to the selected category. Read further to learn in detail about each category:
3. What Can I do from the Resources Tab?There is a wide range of actions you can perform over the resources and accounts displayed in the various sections of the Resource tab. The below links explain each of them in detail:
3.1 Resource and Account-based OperationsThe Resource tab offers exhaustive options for adding and managing resources in PAM360. Each operation is listed below with a link that will explain in detail about how that particular feature works:
i. Add Resources into PAM360Add your privileged resources such as servers and endpoints as resources in PAM360 to start managing their accounts and passwords. There are three ways in which you can add resources and accounts into PAM360: Manual addition, import from file, automatic discovery of resources and accounts. Click the respective links to learn about each topic in detail. ii. Manage Resource TypesPAM360 supports a wide range of resource types by default. In addition to that, you can add as many custom resource types as you require. Click here to learn in detail about how to manage various resource types in PAM360. iii. Manage ResourcesPAM360 offers extensive options to manage the resources added to the repository. Listed below are the resource-based operations that you can perform in PAM360. Click each link to learn about the topic in detail. iv. Manage Accounts and PasswordsThere are different ways in which you can manage the accounts and passwords saved in the PAM360 repository. Some of the operations include viewing, editing, copying, moving accounts, changing passwords, and viewing password history. Click here to learn in detail about each operation. v. Share Resources and AccountsPAM360 offers an option to securely share your resources and accounts with other users and/or user groups. Click the links below to learn about each topic in detail. vi. Additional Resource ConfigurationsPAM360 offers several additional resource configurations that you can use to enhance the security of the resources stored in PAM360 and to use them efficiently. Click the below links to learn about each topic in detail: 3.2 Admin ActionsThe Admin Actions section of the Password Explorer tree provides a consolidated view of expired passwords, passwords that may be violating password policies set by the admin, disabled resources, and Trash. While the PAM360 Dashboard provides a global view of expired/conflicting passwords and policy violations, the Admin Actions section gives a concentrated view of only the passwords owned and managed by you. From this section, you can reset the passwords that are in violation, either selectively or in bulk. Admin Actions section also displays the disabled resources that were imported into PAM360 during an Active Directory/LDAP import. Any resource that was moved to trash during deletion will be visible under the Trash category in this section. Each category under Admin Actions is explained in detail below:
i. Expired PasswordsPasswords that are not reset within the maximum number of days specified in the password policy are considered to be expired. ii. Conflicting PasswordsConflicting passwords arise when the password of an account stored in the PAM360 repository is not in sync with the password of the same account in the remote machine. Resetting the password of an account in PAM360 without applying the changes to the remote resource or vice versa leads to conflict in passwords. If left unchecked, out of sync passwords can lead to authentication failure and security issues. As a safety measure, PAM360 runs a periodic password integrity check that ensures that all passwords stored in PAM360 match the ones in the corresponding remote machines. Passwords that are found to be mismatched will be flagged and displayed in this section. iii. Policy ViolationsPasswords that violate the password policies applied in PAM360 will be displayed in this section. By default, PAM360 has three password policies: Strong, Medium, Low — they all come with varying levels of complexity. You can also set your own custom password policies and apply that to your passwords. PAM360 runs a periodic check to ensure the complexity of the passwords match the complexity specified in the password policies chosen for them; any password that does not pass the check will be flagged and displayed here.
You can reset the passwords displayed in the above three sections using the password reset configuration settings provided by PAM360. Password Reset Configuration
iv. Disabled ResourcesWhile importing resources from Active Directory/LDAP into PAM360, you can choose to include disabled machines also. After the import is done, all the disabled resources will be consolidated under this section. v. TrashWhile deleting resources in PAM360, you can choose to delete them permanently or move them to the Trash. In this section, you can view all the resources that are moved to trash during deletion.
Click here to learn more about deleting resources. 4. Resource GroupsThe Resource Groups are accessible from the Resources tab. The Password Explorer displays all the resource groups and the corresponding subgroups that you create. Within the resource groups, you can perform all resource and account related operations explained in this section. To search for a resource, enter the resource name, DNS name, or the operating system (OS) type. PAM360 allows you to group Resources of similar attributes for easier management. You can create two types of Resource groups:
In the case of a static resource group, you need to mark individual resources that are to be grouped together and create a resource group with a relevant name and description. You can manually add resources to the group at any point in time. In the case of a dynamic resource group, you need to specify a set of criteria while creating the group. Whenever a new resource is added to PAM360, if it fits the criteria specified for a particular group, the resource is automatically added to the group. For example, let's say you create a group CV-WinDom-01 with the condition "Resource Type Equals WindowsDomain". In this case, all Windows Domain resources added at any point of time after the creation of this group will automatically be a part of CV-WinDom-01. To learn more about how to create and manage resource groups in PAM360, click here. 5. Possible Actions from the Resources TabThe below links take you to the detailed documents that will help you discover, add, and manage various resources types, create resource groups for efficient management of the resources, and gain complete control over the passwords of the resources. Click through each link below to learn about the respective feature.
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