Managing Resource Types8 minutes to read
PAM360 supports certain resource types by default. In addition, you can add as many custom resource types as you require. Manage the resource types in PAM360 from both the Resources tab and the Admin console. Add, edit, delete and customize the resource types based on your requirements. You can also add custom icons for the resource types. The various categories of resource types supported by PAM360 and the operations that can be performed on them are discussed in this document. Note: You cannot delete the default resource types, but can edit their attributes to fit your requirements.
1. Resource Type CategoriesClassify the resources added into PAM360 into any of the following resource type categories. You will see these resource types listed under the Resource Type drop-down while adding or editing the resources. Operating Systems
Cisco Devices
Database Servers
Note: To manage a new database resource with customized attributes (custom driver JAR and connection properties), PAM360 lets you create a new resource type with the customized attributes accompanied by adding the relevant database resources. Network Devices
File Stores
Cloud Services
MQ Applications
2. Adding a Resource Type
Note: Please exercise caution while validating all the configured values for database connection. Misconfigured values may lead to SQL Injection and other security breaches. Note: An approval request will be sent to the users (administrators/privileged administrators/custom users) who have the Manage Custom Database Connections privilege for creating the new customized database resource types with custom configuration for connection. Now, you have successfully created a new resource type which will be listed under the Resource Type dropdown. 3. Editing a Resource Type
4. Editing Resource Types in Bulk
Note: Default resource types cannot be customized. 5. Enabling Resource Types FilterEnable the Filter option to help you filter the various types listed in the Resource Types window and display only the required ones in the Add Resource drop-down list.
6. Deleting a Resource Type
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