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Configuring Registry Settings

Registry settings are a key component of the Windows operating system, used to store configuration information for various software applications, hardware devices, and system settings. The registry is like a giant database that keeps track of all the settings and preferences on your computer. Each program and device that you install or use on your computer has its own set of registry settings, which are stored in a hierarchical structure of keys, subkeys, and values.

A key is a container that holds configuration information for a particular software application, hardware device, or system setting. Subkeys are keys that are located within other keys, forming a nested structure. Subkeys can be created within other subkeys as well. Values are individual pieces of information stored within keys and subkeys. Each value has a specific name, data type, and data content. Values can be edited or deleted to modify the configuration/settings.

Registry settings are used in a variety of scenarios to manage software applications, hardware devices, and system settings on Windows computers. Here are a few common use cases:

  1. Customizing application settings: Many software applications store their configuration settings in the Windows Registry. Users can modify these settings to customize the behavior of the application.
  2. Troubleshooting application issues: For example, if an application is crashing on startup, you might need to delete its registry key to force the application to create a new key with default settings.
  3. Managing hardware devices: Drivers for hardware devices such as printers, scanners, and sound cards often store configuration information in the registry.
  4. Configuring system settings: The Windows Registry stores many system settings that control the behavior of the operating system itself, such as startup and shutdown behavior, security settings, and network settings.
  5. Automating software deployment: IT professionals can use registry settings to automate the deployment of software applications across multiple computers. By modifying the registry settings on a central server, they can ensure that all computers in the network have the same configuration settings for a given application.

The Registry Settings Configuration enables you to modify the values in the registry centrally and for several users.

Step 1: Name the Configuration

Provide a name and description for the Registry Settings configuration.

Step 2: Define Configuration

You can choose to either configure manually or import registry files.

You can perform the following actions:

Write Value

To write a value in the registry, select the Action as Write Value and specify the following values:



Header Key

Select the header key from the following options:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: It has all file associations, OLE information and shortcut data.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: It has the currently used computer hardware profile.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER: It has the preferences for the user currently logged in.

  • HKEY_USERS/.Default: It has the default profile preferences.


Keys are sub-components of the hives. Specify the key value.


The type of the value. This varies with respect to the Header Key selected. Select the appropriate type from the combo box.


Specify the value to be added. Click the icon to select and assign a dynamic variable to this parameter.

Data / Expression

Specify the data or expression. If the new value has to be created without data, enter the word clear inside the parentheses as (clear). Click the icon to select and assign a dynamic variable to this parameter.

If you wish to write more values, click Add Registry Settings button and repeat step 2. The values gets added to the Registry Settings table.

Delete Value

To delete a value from the registry, select the Action as Delete Value and specify the following values:



Header Key

Select the header key from the following options:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: It has all file associations, OLE information and shortcut data.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: It has the currently used computer hardware profile.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER: It has the preferences for the user currently logged in.

  • HKEY_USERS/.Default: It has the default profile preferences.


Keys are sub-components of the hives. Specify the key value.


Specify the value to be deleted.

If you wish to delete more values, click Add Registry Settings button and repeat step 2. The values gets added to the Registry Settings table.

Add Key

To add a registry key, select the Action as Add Key and specify the following:



Header Key

Select the header key from the following options:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: It has all file associations, OLE information and shortcut data.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: It has the currently used computer hardware profile.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER: It has the preferences for the user currently logged in.

  • HKEY_USERS/.Default: It has the default profile preferences.


Keys are sub-components of the hives. Specify the key value to be added.

If you wish to add more keys, click Add Registry Settings button and repeat step 2. The values gets added to the Registry Settings table.

Delete Key

To delete a registry key, select the Action as Delete Key and specify the following values:



Header Key

Select the header key from the following options:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: It has all file associations, OLE information and shortcut data.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: It has the currently used computer hardware profile.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER: It has the preferences for the user currently logged in.

  • HKEY_USERS/.Default: It has the default profile preferences.


Keys are sub-components of the hives. Specify the key value that has to be deleted.

If you wish to delete more keys, click Add Registry Settings button and repeat step 2. The values gets added to the Registry Settings table.

To modify a registry setting from the Registry Settings table, select the appropriate row and click icon and change the required values.

To delete a registry setting from the Registry Settings table, select the appropriate row and click icon.  

Step 3: Define Target

Using  the Defining Targets procedure, define the targets for deploying the Registry Settings Configuration.

Step 4: Deploy Configuration

Click the Deploy button to deploy the defined Registry Settings Configuration in the defined targets. The configuration will take effect during the next user logon.

To save the configuration as draft, click Save as Draft.

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