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Mobile Device Manager Plus lets you to configure a custom wallpaper for your managed devices. The supported file formats are JPG, JPEG and PNG. For devices running 5.0 or above, Wallpaper is applicable only if devices are provisioned as Device Owner.

  • It is recommended to upload an image with standard quality for Wallpaper.
  • If Wallpaper profile is configured along with Kiosk, then the same wallpaper will be applied to the kiosk devices.

Profile Description

Allow user to modify wallpaper (Applicable only for Samsung and Android devices provisioned as Device Owner) You can allow or restrict users from changing the wallpaper on their devices. success failured failured success
  1. It is recommended to associate a single wallpaper profile to a device. In case you want to change the wallpaper, you can modify and re-associate the same profile or remove the profile and then associate a new wallpaper profile to the device.
  2. In case you have associated multiple wallpaper profiles per device, the profile that is last associated is only applied on the device. This profile remains on the device until all the associated wallpaper profiles are removed from the device.
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