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Launching Applications | User Configuration

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What is launch application configuration?

The Launch application feature serves the function of facilitating the process of opening a particular application, and this action is typically initiated during a user's logon. Essentially, when a user logs in, Launch application works to trigger the opening of the designated application, thereby enabling the user to access the application's features and functionality seamlessly.

How to configure launch application?

      1. In Endpoint Central Console, navigate to Configurations tab --> Add Configurations --> Configurations--> Windows
      2. Select Launch Application and choose User

launching an application in endpoint central

    • Specify the Name and Description for the configuration.
    • In the Launch Application criteria, click on the Launch Application button and choose whether you want to launch an application using HTTP or network share/local path

To launch an application using HTTP,

launching an application using http in endpoint central

      1. Local file: Browse and select the application that has to be launched. The applications that are available in the local machine that have to be launched can be specified.
      2. Arguments: Specify the arguments for the application
      3. Click Save to launch the application or click Save and New to launch more applications
      4. Define the Target
      5. Specify retry options if required and deploy the configuration.
      6. You can also enable notifications to receive emails based on the specified frequency.
      7. Click on the Deploy button to deploy the Permission Management configuration in all the targets.
      8. To save the configuration as draft, click Save as

To launch an application using network share/local path,

launching an application using network share in endpoint central

      1. Application name: Enter the Application name
      2. Arguments: Specify the arguments required for the application
      3. Click save to launch the application or Click Save and New to launch more applications
      4. Define the Target
      5. Specify retry options if required and deploy the configuration.
      6. You can also enable notifications to receive emails based on the specified frequency.
      7. Click on the Deploy button to deploy the Permission Management configuration in all the targets.
      8. To save the configuration as draft, click Save as

You have successfully learnt to launch an application in Windows machines

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