Port Audit

Any application or service running on a system utilizes a port to make itself accessible over the network. It is imperative to have continuous visibility over the active ports in your system and discover what is listening on each port. By performing a port audit, you can detect any exposed services that may be vulnerable to exploitation and assess their risk profile based on the configuration and applications associated with these ports. You can then easily identify unintended ports activated by malware or unknown applications.

Port audit helps you to:

  • Continuously monitor active ports in your network systems.
  • Identify whether the port is UDP or TCP.
  • Filter active ports based on the port range that includes system ports (0-1023) and registered ports (1024-49151)
  • Identify the number of instances of each active port.

To Audit ports in use, click on Threats & Patches → Threats → Port Audit

Port Audit

On clicking Instances, you can view the number and details of the executables listening on a particular port on each system.


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