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Configurations & Profiles - Endpoint Central

Table of contents

  1. What is Device Provisioning?
  2. How to deploy a configuration?
  3. How to deploy a profile?

What is Device Provisioning?

IT administrators can set up their newly onboarded devices with basic settings to boot them for corporate usage. This process is called device provisioning. With Endpoint Central, IT administrators can provision their newly added computers and mobiles using the features namely Configurations and Profiles.

How to deploy a configuration?

Configurations are applicable to your desktops, laptops and servers. Configurations can be distributed to endpoints running on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Endpoint Central supports 50+ configurations across the operating system listed above. Visit this page to know more about configurations.

How to deploy a profile?

Profiles are basic settings available for your mobile devices and modern laptops. IT administrators can provision their Android, Apple (Mac, iOS, and iPadOS), Chrome and tvOS with the profile management.

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