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Browser Reports

 IT admins need to ensure employee productivity by keeping their browsers safe against web-based threats. Administrators can exercise control and have clear visibility over various browsers used in the network.

To view Browser reports, follow the steps given below:

  • Click the Reports tab to invoke the Reports page.
  • Click the desired report from the Browser Reports section.

The Browser reports include the following:

  • Unsecure Plugins- Provides the details of unsecure plugins that are not signed by developers. It helps keep tab of potentially harmful plugins that might result in security breaches.
  • Phishing filter- This report shows the computers that are complaint and non-compliant to the security setting, which prevents the computers from contacting malware.
  • Potentially Harmful Extensions- Provides details of vulnerable extensions permitted by user, which might lead to a security breach.
  • Computers with/without a specific Extension- You can filter the reports with/without an extension, from which you can choose to get a detailed view.
  • Computers with/without a specific Plugin- You can filter the reports with/without a plugin, from which you can choose to get a detailed view.
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