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Installing Service Pack

Endpoint Central periodically provides Service Packs which offer new features (requested by the customers), fixes for certain bugs and document updates in the form of HTML files. Service Packs can be downloaded from the web site, and updated into the product using the Update Manager tool.

  1. Note: 1) Ensure that no application is running when applying the Service Pack. This prevents any files used by the application from being over-written. For example if the server is running, stop the server and then install the service pack.
      2) Endpoint Central will be backed up automatically before the service pack installation.

Important: You should login to the computer with the Domain Administrator credential as specified in the Scope of Management to install a Service Pack. 

Note: To find the Endpoint Central directory, Go to the services.msc on the Endpoint Central server installed machine -> ManageEngine Desktop Central Server service. Right click and go to the properties -> General -> Look for the Endpoint Central installation directory.

The steps to apply a Service Pack are as follows:

    1. Stop the Server. To do so, open services.msc and stop "ManageEngine Desktop Central Server" service.

    1. Start Update manager by executing the script UpdateManager.bat file located in <Desktop Central Home>/bin directory.

    1. Click Browse and select the Service Pack file (.ppm) to be installed. You can go through the Readme file by clicking the Readme button.

  1. Click Install to install the Service Pack.

  2. The agents and the distribution servers will be upgraded automatically during the next contact with the server.

  3. Start the Endpoint Central Server.

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