Application Control Reports
IT admins can create a list of trusted applications and allow only those apps to run on managed devices. The App Control allows administrators to govern privileges so that admin privileges are distributed as per requirements. It helps generate a wide range of predefined reports.
Predefined Reports
To view the Predefined Reports, select the Reports tab and click the App Control Reports link from the left pane. The reports are classified under the following headings.
- Executables from non-verified publishers - Provides details of the most used applications from non-verified publishers.
- Unmanaged Products - Provides the details of certified applications which are currently unmanaged to help admins make informed decisions.
- Unmanaged Executables - This report provides the file hash information which validates the successful transmission of an entire file.
- Blocklist access attempts - This report displays the details of the blocklisted applications with the most access attempts.
- Applications running with Administrator privileges - Provides the list of applications that can be run with administrator privileges.
- Discovered Applications - Provides the details of associated and unassociated applications.
- Child Process - This report provides the child processes of the applications allowed by users.
- Unmanaged Store Apps
- Discovered Store Apps
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