Set initial value

Set initial value for a choice field

Initial value for a choice field refers to the choice that will be preselected when your users access your form to add a record. Refer to step six to learn how to clear or remove the initial value.

Set initial value for drop down and radio fields

  1. Edit your app.
  2. Open the builder of the required form.
  3. Select the required field.
  4. Navigate to the Field Properties > Choices section on the right.
  5. Click on the radio button next to the required choice:

  6. Click on the selected choice to clear or remove initial value for that field.

Set initial value for multi select and checkbox fields

  1. Edit your app.
  2. Open the builder of the required form.
  3. Select the required field.
  4. Navigate to the Field Properties > Choices section on the right.
  5. Check the required choices:

  6. Uncheck the choices to remove the initial value for that field.

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