Understand currency field

Understand currency field

The currency field enables your users to enter a monetary value. It displays a currency symbol and allows entering a decimal value. Below is how a currency field looks on a form:

  • When a user accesses from a web browser:

  • When a user accesses from a phone or tablet:

Character limits

The currency field can accept a number that contains a maximum of 19 digits. This is inclusive of the decimal point and the digits entered after the it. When your user enters a negative number, the negative sign is also counted as a digit.


You can perform the following customizations with respect to the user experience of the currency field on a form:

Setting the currency type and display format

The Currency type property refers to the currency associated with the currency field, such as USD, EUR, AED. When your users access the currency field in a form or report, the corresponding currency's symbol is displayed. For example, when you set Currency type as United States Dollar (USD), the $ (dollar) symbol will appear in the currency field. Learn how to set the currency type

The Display format property refers to the format in which this field's data will be displayed in. Learn how to set the display format

  • In forms, your users will be able to enter formatted data in the currency field. When they enter unformatted data, its display format will automatically be applied.
  • In reports, the currency field data will be displayed as per its display format.
  • The display format will also be applied when you print a report or record, or export them as a PDF or HTML file.
  • When currency field’s Display format property is set with the value Default:
    • No formatting will be applied when your users enter data in the currency field
    • Formatting based on your user’s web browser’s language or mobile device’s locale, will be applied when your users view currency field data in reports

When you add a currency field to your form, its currency type and display format properties are set with appropriate values:

  • The Currency type is selected based on the Country set in your Zoho account’s profile. For example, currency type will be set as United States Dollar (USD) when the country’s United States of America; Euro (EUR) when France.
  • The Display format is selected based on the currency type. For example, the format 1,234,567.89 will be applied for USD; format 1.234.567,89 for EUR.

Setting the maximum number of digits and decimal points

  • The Max digits field property defines the maximum number of digits your users can enter in the currency field. Everything your users enter in the currency field: the negative sign, the digits before the decimal point, the decimal point, and the digits after it, will be counted and validated by the Max Digits value of that field. Learn more about the max digits field property
  • The Decimal points property defines the maximum number of digits that your users can enter in this field after the decimal point. Learn more

Other field properties

Reporting capabilities

When yours users access a currency field in reports, you can enable them to view the following aggregate values:

  • Total - the sum of the values stored in that currency field across all records displayed by that report
  • Average - the average of the values stored in that currency field across all records displayed by that report
  • Min - the smallest value that's stored in that currency field across all records displayed by that report
  • Max - the greatest value that's stored in that currency field across all records displayed by that report

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