Configure button display

Configure button display

Display configuration for a button includes adding a label to the button, thus hinting the user clearly where they would land on clicking the button. The following are the steps to configure the label for a button in your page:

  1. Edit your app.
  2. Select the required page from the accordion menu on the top-left corner, or from the application preview in the middle. You'll be taken to its Design page.
  3. Click on the device icon to navigate to the Design view of the device of your choice.

  4. Hover in the middle and click Open Page Builder.
  5. Click to select a panel that holds the button you want to configure display for.
  6. Click the Configure option in the toolbar in the header area of the page builder. The Panel configuration pane slides in.
  7. Click to select the button inside the panel.
  8. Select Display from the configuration options on the right.
  9. Under Label, click and type in a suitable label for the button in the space provided.

  10. You can preview the changes and close the configuration pane. The changes will be auto-saved.

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