Trap Variables

  • $Agent - This token is used to assign the agent address of the trap received as the source for Trap Processor.
  • $Source - This token is used to assign the source address of the trap received as the source for Trap Processor.
  • $IF-Source - This token is used to get the interface address of the trap received. The source address of the received trap will be the interface address in this case. (As the trap is received from the interface and not the device.)

Note: The source in the above cases refers to the device to which the received traps are mapped.

  • $* - This token replaces the varbind of a received trap with the OID and variable values. For example, for the varbind . STRING abc, the output will be . : abc.
  • $# - This token unlike the previous one, replaces the varbind only with variable values and not OIDs. For instance, for the varbind INTEGER 15, the final result will appear as 15 (the OID is not mentioned).
  • @* - This token returns only the OID values for any given varbind. For example, for the varbind STRING pqr, the final result will be sysDescr. (Only the OID is displayed)
  • $N - Here in this token, N takes a non-negative integer value and the token returns the result for (N+1)th SNMP variable given in the varbind of a received trap. For example, let us consider the varbind INTEGER 12 . STRING workfromhome. For this if you type $1, the final result appears as workfromhome. (The index value for N starts from 0)
  • @N - Here, N takes a non-negative integer value and this token returns the result for the (N+1)th OID value for the given varbind of the trap. Example, consider the varbind INTEGER 12 . STRING workfromhome, the final result appears as sysDescr
  • $SourceMO - This token returns the value of the property associated to the Managed Object of the corresponding source (device). Example: $SourceMO(displayName) returns the value of the display name for the associated MO.>
  • $AgentMO -This token returns the value for the property associated to the MO of the corresponding source (agent of the device). Example: $AgentMO(displayName) returns the value of the display name for the associated MO.
  • $GenericType - This token is applicable only for SNMP v1. It returns the generic type details of the received trap.
  • $SpecificType - This token is applicable only for SNMP v1. It returns the specific type of the trap received. (Usually applicable to the enterprise specific traps.)

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