Configuring DPI

In OpManager, DPI works with winPcap and High performance reporting engine add-on. To configure DPI, follow the steps and screenshots below to enable DPI.

 For Windows machine, download and install winpcap packages from the below link : , skip this step for Linux OS.

  1. Download and install HighPerformance reporting engine under More downloads from the link 

  2. Navigate to Settings > NetFlow > HighPerf Reporting Engine, Provide installed servers login credentials, test and save.

  3. Navigate to Settings > DPI , Enable DataCollection, select the ethernet card , select the data retention period and save. 

    Note : To find the respective Network card (in windows ) , open regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards\ . Here you can find the respective name of network card in readable format.

  4. To Verify navigate to <Opmanager>\DPI\PcapFilesTempstrong> and check if new file is generated.

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