Notifying VMware Alerts

Notification profiles enable you to receive alerts for virtual devices through various means such as sound alerts, email notifications, or script execution. You can associate any existing notification profile with your VCenter/ESX host to facilitate timely alerts.

To associate a notification profile to a virtual device,

  1. Go to the snapshot page of the host (Navigate to Inventory -> Devices and then click on a device to view its snapshot page)
  2. VM alerts
  3. Click on Notification icon present at the top.
  4. If no profiles are associated. Then click on 'Associate' to view the list of notification profiles already created.
  5. Select the notification profile that you want to associate and click Associate.

You can create a notification profile specifically for receiving alerts on events related to Virtual devices using the following steps :

  • Go to Settings -> Notifications -> Add Profile.
  • Select the required mode of notification ( email / sms / web console etc ) and fill in the required fields. Click here to know more about setting up notification profiles generally.
  • Click on next.
  • Scroll down to the section that says "When any Virtual Devices has a problem". Click on it and select the situations for which you wish to get alerted.
  • You can get alerted either for General Alarms ( like VM Power on / off, VM Failover failed, Host disconnect failed etc) or for virtual device related performance issues ( such as threshold violations ) .
  • Click on Next and continue the steps followed to setup a notification profile ( click here to view  the complete list of steps required for setting up notification profile. )

To gain in-depth insights into OpManager's VMware monitoring practices, explore the following help documents.

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