Integrating OpManager with ServiceNow using 3rd party / self-signed SSL Certificate

OpManager can be integrated easily with ServiceNow using a 3rd party / self-signed SSL Certificate by using the following steps:

Step 1: Get the keystore file and password

  • Get the key store file and password used while generating the SSL certificates in OpManager. If certificate is present already, skip to step 3.
  • To get the file path and password, open the file "server.xml" located under "<OpManager_Installed_Dir>/conf/server.xml" and check for the <Connector>tag.

    ServiceNow SSL image

    ServiceNow SSL image

Step 2: Export the SSL certificate from keystore file.

  • To export SSL certificate from keystore file, run the following command and if prompted for password, enter the password from Step 1

    ServiceNow SSL image

    where Alias Name is the certificate alias name.
  • You can get list of aliases from key store using the following command

    ServiceNow SSL image

Step 3: Import the SSL Certificate.

To import the SSL certificate to a new trust store, run the following command

  • If SSL Certificate is self-signed:

    ServiceNow SSL image

  • If SSL Certificate is CA-signed:

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    Note: The Truststore password can be any password.

Step 4: Import Truststore to ServiceNow:

  • Go to the ServiceNow Instance and select System Definition → Certificates → New.
  • Select Type as Java Key Store and provide Truststore Password in the Key Store Passwordfield

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  • Now select the message attachments and add the opmservicenow.truststorefile.

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  • Validate files before updating using Validate Stores/Certificates option and click on Submit..

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Step 5: Create a protocol profile in ServiceNow

  • Go to ServiceNow Instance → System Security → Protocol Profiles → New
  • Set Protocol field as opmhttps and select the previously created Certificate entry in Keystore field and click on Submit.

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Step 6: Set the OPM host URL in OpManager.

  • In OpManager go to Settings → General Settings → Third Party Integrations → ServiceNow and click 'Configure'.
  • Provide the ServiceNow instance details, and click 'Save'. Note that the URL should be of the form opmhttps://host_name:web_port/ where the web_port is OpManager's web port and host_name refers to the host name or IP Address of the OpManager instance.

    ServiceNow SSL image

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