OpManager Capacity Planning Reports

OpManager's Capacity Planning Reports enable IT administrators to effectively manage their infrastructure resources by providing insights into CPU, memory, and disk utilization metrics and enabling proactive capacity planning. This help document will help you navigate OpManager's capacity planning reports. Learn more about OpManager's capacity planning reports.

Report Categories:

OpManager classifies custom planning reports based on the utilization criteria:

  • Undersized devices
  • Oversized devices
  • Idle devices

Capacity Planning Reports

Undersized devices: Devices that use less resources than their configured capacity. These devices may be over-provisioned and can be right-sized to optimize resource utilization. If the resource utilization (CPU, Disk, and Memory) of a device during a selected time period falls below 30, for more than 50% of the time, then the device will be classified as underutilised.

Oversized devices: Devices that consistently utilize nearly all of their configured capacity. These devices may require additional resources to handle workloads effectively. If the resource utilization of a device during a selected time period is above 70, for more than 50% of the time, then the device will be classified as overutilized.

Idle devices: Devices that show an insignificant level of capacity usage on one or more resources most of the time. If the resource utilization of a device during a selected time period is less than 10, for more than 50% of the time, it will be deemed as an Idle device. These devices may not be effectively utilized and may need to be repurposed or decommissioned.

OpManager's Capacity planning reports:

The Capacity Planning Reports page displays metrics like CPU, disk, and memory utilization for both physical and virtual devices. It is suggested to enable reports for all monitors before proceeding to generate capacity planning reports.

To access a capacity planning report in OpManager,

  1. Go to Reports -> OpManager reports.
  2. Click on the Capacity Planning Reports, in the list of reports on the left side of the page.
  3. Select the required report (Overutilized, Underutilized, or Idle devices) to view their capacity planning reports respectively.
  4. After selecting a report, all devices will be listed. Users can further refine the results by filtering overutilized, underutilized, or idle devices using the dropdown menu at the top.
  5. Capacity Planning Reports

  6. OpManager's capacity planning reports also offer a range of filters to view selected devices on specific time periods or during their organizations business hours.

Custom Rule:

The rules for Overutilized, Under Utilized, and Idle devices are predefined by default. If you need the report to be specific, filters can be used.

Users can customize the rule to create a custom capacity planning report with upto 4 perfgroups. To assign a new rule,

  • Select an Overutilized, Underutilized, or an Idle device report.
  • Click on the Filter icon above the report and select Add rule.
  • Enter the Name, Description and select the required perfgroups.
  • Click Save to save the custom rule.
  • Select Apply to assign the rule to a report.

Capacity Planning Reports

For example,

If the user needs a capacity planning report for devices whose Disk utilization is more than 60, for more than 25 percent of the specified time window, the rule should be defined as,

Disk utilization > 60 || Percentage of time > 25

Click Save to create a capacity planning report for devices with more than 60% disk utilization over 25% of the given time.

Capacity Planning Reports

Note: The values will be taken from hourly and daily archived tables. Learn more.

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