Discovering VxRail in OpManager

VxRail is a Hyper-converged infrastructure, provided by a cross-collaboration with Dell EMC, and VMware management solutions. It combines the compute, storage, networking, and virtualization platforms into a single consolidated interface. This simplifies and streamlines the deployment and management of virtual machines.
To discover VxRail devices in OpManager, follow the below steps.

  • Go to Settings -> Discovery -> HCI discovery.
  • Now, select the VxRail tab.
  • Mention the IP address or DNS name of the VxRail cluster, and the vcenter.
  • Select the respective credentials, and click on Discover.

    Discovering VxRail in OpManager 

  • You will now be displayed a list of available VMs. You can select the VMs that you want to monitor. Once done, click on the "Discover" button.

    Discovering VxRail in OpManager 

  • You will now be redirected to the vcenter snapshot page. From here, you can now gain in-depth visibility into your vcenter and VxRail infrastructure, including your hosts, VMs, vSANs, and datastores.
  • You can also have a brief summary of the VMs, the interfaces associated with your vCenter, and even associate monitors to ensure its optimum functioning.
  • Clicking on the device name from the VxRail summary tab, will take you to the respective VxRail cluster's snapshot page. From here, you can have comprehensive visibility into your VxRail's hosts, virtual machines, vSAN, and datastores.
  • Also, much alike to vCenter, you can have a brief summary of the VMs, the interfaces associated with your vCenter, and even associate monitors.
  • Apart form this, VxRail's snapshot page also contains detailes about the Installed components, chasis & hardware information.

Hence, with OpManager you can have a comprehensive understanding of your VxRail infrastructure, ensure the performance of VxRail clusters, understand the connectivity between the hosts and VMs, and associate monitors to ensure the optimum functioning, all from the comfort of a single console.

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