Widgets in OpManager

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OpManager Widgets

Alarms and Events

  1. Alarms for a Device - Lists the number of alarms that have been raised for a particular device.
  2. Alarms from SNMP Traps - Lists the number of alarms raised from SNMP traps.
  3. All Alarms - Lists all the recent alarms raised in OpManager.
  4. Devices Down - Lists all the devices that are down with their corresponding downtime duration.
  5. Devices with Alarms - Lists all the devices with the corresponding alarms raised.
  6. Event Logs - Lists all the event log alarms raised recently.
  7. Event Logs for a Device - Lists all the event log alarms raised for particular devices.
  8. Event Summary - Lists the types of events that occurred along with their respective severity and count.
  9. Events for a Device - Lists the events that occurred for a device.
  10. Interfaces Down - Lists all the interfaces that are down with their corresponding device details.
  11. Interfaces down in a Device - Lists all the interface down alarms for particular devices.
  12. Notification Profiles Triggered - Lists all the notification profiles triggered recently with the associated profile details.
  13. Recent Alarms - Lists all the recent alarms raised by OpManager with their associated color codes for severity.
  14. Recent Events - Lists all the recent events occurring in OpManager.
  15. SNMP Traps from a Device - Lists all the SNMP traps detected for a particular device.
  16. Services Down - Lists all the service down notification raised by OpManager.
  17. Syslogs - Lists all the syslog based alarms raised by OpManager.
  18. Unacknowledged Alarms - Lists all the unacknowledged alarms raised by OpManager along with the associated color codes for severity
  19. Web Alarms - Lists all the recent web alarms raised by OpManager.

Availability and Response

  1. AD Service Availability - Displays availability of an AD service in a particular device
  2. AD Services by Availability - Lists all AD services in OpManager based on availability.
  3. Device Availability - Displays availability of a particular device over a configured time window.
  4. Devices by Availability - Lists all devices in OpManager based on Availability.
  5. Devices by Downtime - Lists all devices in OpManager based on Downtime.
  6. Devices by Packet Loss - Lists all devices in OpManager based on Packet Loss.
  7. Devices by Response Time - Lists all devices in OpManager based on Response Time.
  8. Devices exceeding N % Packet Loss - Lists all devices exceeding set limit on Packet Loss (based on percentage).
  9. Devices exceeding N ms Response Time - Lists all devices exceeding set limit on Response Time (in milliseconds).
  10. Interface Availability - Displays availability of a particular interface over a configured time window.
  11. Last N hours Response Time - Displays response time for a particular device over a configured time window.
  12. MS Exchange Service Availability - Displays availability of an MS Exchange service in a particular device.
  13. MS Exchange Services by Availability - Lists all MS Exchange services in OpManager based on Availability.
  14. MSSQL Service Availability - Displays availability of an MSSQL service in a particular device.
  15. MSSQL Services by Availability - Lists all MSSQL services in OpManager based on Availability.
  16. Packet Loss (%) for a Device - Displays the packet loss value for a particular network device (in percentage).
  17. Process Availability - Displays availability of a process in a particular device.
  18. Processes by Availability - Lists all processes in OpManager based on Availability.
  19. Response Time of a Device - Displays the response time of a particular network device (in milliseconds).
  20. Service Availability - Displays availability of a service in a particular device.
  21. Services by Availability - Lists all services in OpManager based on Availability.
  22. Services by Downtime - Lists all services in OpManager based on Downtime.
  23. Services by Response Time - Lists all services in OpManager based on Response Time.
  24. URL Availability - Displays availability of a URL over a configured time window.
  25. URLs by Availability - Lists all URLs in OpManager based on Availability.
  26. URLs by Downtime - Lists all URLs in OpManager based on Downtime.
  27. URLs by Response Time - Lists all URLs in OpManager based on Response Time.
  28. WAN Links by Availability - Lists all WAN Links in OpManager based on Availability.
  29. WAN Links by Downtime - Lists all WAN Links in OpManager based on Downtime.
  30. Web Servers by Availability - Lists all web servers in OpManager based on Availability.
  31. Windows Service Availability - Displays availability of a Windows service in a particular device.

General (Map View and Others)

  1. 3D Floor View - Lists all the data center floor views created in this setup.
  2. All Groups - Lists all the device/interface groups created in OpManager.
  3. Business View - To view the business view map from the dashboard.
  4. Business View Summary - Lists all the business view maps created in OpManager along with the Device and Alarms count
  5. Custom HTML or Text - Embed any widget data or HTML source
  6. Custom Links of a Device - Lists the App server links associated to the device.
  7. Device Summary - Lists all the devices & alarms count grouped by Vendor
  8. Devices in Business View - Lists all the devices that are associated with the business view created in OpManager.
  9. Devices in Group - Lists all the devices of the given logical group.
  10. Favorite Reports - Lists all reports that are marked favorite under Reports - > OpManager reports.
  11. File Monitor Heat Map - Heat map view of the file monitors based on its health status.
  12. Floor Details - Lists the floor details of all 3D Rack & Floor views created in OpManager.
  13. Folder Monitors Heat Map - Heat map view of the folder monitors based on its health status.
  14. Heat Map - Heat map view of the devices based on its health status.
  15. Infrastructure Snapshot - List of category-wise device count with number of alarms appeared in each category.
  16. Interfaces in Group - Lists all the interfaces that are a part of any logical interface group created in OpManager.
  17. Layer2 Map - View of the Layer 2 map discovered in OpManager.
  18. Rack Asset Details - Pie chart displaying the count of devices grouped by category in the given Rack.
  19. Rack Capacity - Shows the capacity (number of units) of the racks in your datacenter.
  20. Rack Details - Shows the details of the racks like Total Capacity, Available Capacity and no, of Devices in each rack.
  21. Rack View - View of the 3D Floor created in OpMnts the devices with status that are a part of the racks discovered in OpManager.

Health and Performance

  1. Cisco Buffer Misses - Displays the buffer misses for a selected Cisco device.
  2. Devices by CPU Utilization - Lists all devices in OpManager based on CPU Utilization.
  3. Devices by Memory Utilization - Lists all devices in OpManager based on Memory Utilization.
  4. Devices exceeding N % CPU Utilization - Lists all devices exceeding set limit on CPU Utilization (in percentage).
  5. Devices exceeding N % Disk Utilization - Lists all devices exceeding set limit on Disk Utilization (in percentage).
  6. Devices exceeding N % Memory Utilization - Lists all devices exceeding set limit on Memory Utilization (in percentage).
  7. Idle VMs - Lists all idle VMs in the network.
  8. Last N hours CPU Utilization - Displays the CPU Utilization trend of a particular device for set time window.
  9. Last N hours Disk Utilization - Displays the Disk Utilization trend of a particular device for set time window.
  10. Last N hours Memory Utilization - Displays the Memory Utilization trend of a particular device for set time window.
  11. Last N hours Values of a Performance Monitor - Displays the values for a particular performance monitor of a device for set time window (in hours).
  12. Last Polled Value of CPU Utilization - Displays last fetched value of CPU Utilization for a particular device.
  13. Last Polled Value of Disk Utilization - Displays last fetched value of Disk Utilization for a particular device.
  14. Last Polled Value of Memory Utilization - Displays last fetched value of Memory Utilization for a particular device.
  15. Last Polled Value of a Performance Monitor - Displays last fetched value of a particular performance monitor for selected device.
  16. Nutanix Top N Utilization - Displays set number of top Nutanix devices based on selected performance monitor.
  17. Processes by CPU Utilization - Lists all processes in OpManager based on CPU Utilization.
  18. Processes by Memory Utilization - Lists all processes in OpManager based on Memory Utilization.
  19. Top N Min/Max/Average CPU Utilization - Displays a set number of devices based on minimum/maximum/average CPU Utilization.
  20. Top N Min/Max/Average Memory Utilization - Displays a set number of devices based on minimum/maximum/average Memory Utilization.
  21. Top N Monitored Values of a Performance Monitor - Displays a set number of values of a performance monitor for configured time window.
  22. Top VMs by CPU Over Allocated - Displays top VMs by over-allocation of CPU.
  23. Top VMs by CPU Under Allocated - Displays top VMs by under-allocation of CPU.
  24. Top VMs by Memory Over Allocated - Displays top VMs by over-allocation of Memory.
  25. Top VMs by Memory Under Allocated - Displays top VMs by under-allocation of Memory.
  26. Virtual Top N Utilization - Displays set number of top virtual devices based on utilization.
  27. Volumes with least Disk Usage - Lists storage volumes with least disk usage.
  28. Volumes with most Disk Usage - Lists storage volumes with highest disk usage.

Interface Performance

  1. All Interfaces Bandwidth Utilization of a Device - Lists the bandwidth utilization of all interfaces in a device.
  2. All Interfaces Traffic of a Device - Lists the traffic usage of all interfaces in a device.
  3. Interfaces by Bandwidth Utilization - Lists all available interfaces based on bandwidth utilization.
  4. Interfaces by Errors and Discards - Lists all available interfaces based on number of errors and discards
  5. Interfaces by Traffic - Lists all available interfaces based on traffic.
  6. Interfaces exceeding N Mbps Traffic - Lists interfaces exceeding set limit on traffic (based on Mbps).
  7. Interfaces exceeding N% Bandwidth Utilization - Lists interfaces exceeding set limit on bandwidth utilization (based on percentage).
  8. Last N hours Bandwidth Utilization - Displays bandwidth utilization for set number of hours.
  9. Last N hours Errors and Discards - Displays errors and discards for set number of hours.
  10. Last N hours Total Bytes Transferred - Displays total bytes transferred info for set number of hours.
  11. Last N hours Traffic - Displays total traffic for set number of hours.
  12. Last Polled Bandwidth Utilization Value - Displays last fetched bandwidth utilization value for selected devices.
  13. Last Polled Traffic Value - Displays last fetched total traffic value for selected devices.

Meraki Widgets

  1. Down Meraki Devices - Lists the Meraki controllers that are currently down.
  2. Last Detected N Rogue SSIDs - Lists the latest rogue SSIDs detected in your Meraki network.
  3. Meraki Access Points (Down) - Lists all all access points (of your Meraki controller) that are currently down.
  4. Meraki Organization Summary By Network - The overall summary of your Meraki organization.
  5. Meraki Organization Summary by Category - The overall summary of your Meraki organization based on the category of devices.

Nutanix Widgets

  1. Cluster Summary - Displays an overview of any Nutanix cluster in your network.
  2. Top N Disks By % of Free Space - Lists set number of top disks based on free space available.
  3. VMs By Power Status - Lists VMs in your network based on their power status.

Real Time Graphs

  1. Flap Count Summary - Displays real-time details about number of flaps observed in your network devices.
  2. Flap Summary - Displays a real-time overview of flaps observed in network devices.
  3. Interfaces Health Summary - Displays the health of your managed interfaces in real-time.
  4. Monitors Health Summary - Displays the health of your monitors in real-time.
  5. Real Time Bandwidth Utilization - Displays bandwidth utilization of your devices in real-time.
  6. Real Time CPU Utilization - Displays CPU utilization of your devices in real-time.
  7. Real Time Graph for a Monitor - Displays performance values of a particular monitor in real-time.
  8. Real Time Memory Utilization - Displays Memory utilization of your devices in real-time.
  9. Real Time Traffic - Displays traffic in your network devices in real-time.
  10. Real time Alarms - Displays all alarms raised in OpManager in real-time.

SLA Widgets

  1. Alarms Graph - Displays a graph of all generated alarms.
  2. Availability Distribution - Displays a availability distribution graph of all devices in the network.
  3. Average Availability - Displays the average availability of devices in the network.
  4. Hop-Hop View - Displays the Hop-Hop view of devices in the network.
  5. Least Available Paths - Lists the least available paths of connectivity in the network.
  6. Least Performing Paths - Lists the least performing paths of connectivity in the network.
  7. Servers Availability Distribution - Displays the availability distribution graph of servers in the network.
  8. Servers Average Availability - Displays the average availability of servers in the network.
  9. Servers Top-N Least Availability - Displays a set number of servers based on the least availability.
  10. Top Call Paths by Jitter - Lists the top call paths in the network based on Jitter.
  11. Top Call Paths by Latency - Lists the top call paths in the network based on Latency.
  12. Top Call Paths by MOS - Lists the top call paths in the network based on Mean Opinion Score (MOS).
  13. Top Call Paths by Packet Loss - Lists the top call paths in the network based on Packet Loss.
  14. Top Call Performance by Location - Lists the top call performances based on location.
  15. Top-N Least Available - Lists the least available links in the network.
  16. WAN Links Availability Distribution - Displays the availability distribution graph of WAN Links in the network.
  17. WAN Links Average Availability - Displays the average availability of WAN Links in the network.
  18. WAN Links Top-N Least Availability - Displays a set number of WAN Links based on the least availability.

Storage Widgets

  1. Disk IOPS - Lists devices along with their disk IOPS values.
  2. Disk Reads/seconds - Lists the devices along with their Disk Reads value per second.
  3. Disk Writes/second - Lists the devices along with their Disk Writes value per second.
  4. RAID Summary - List the Raid devices with their corresponding capacity values.
  5. Raid Capacity Utilization - Lists the Raid devices along with their utilized capacity values.
  6. Raid Controller IO Rate - Lists the Raid devices with its corresponding Controller IO rate values.
  7. Raid Controller Reads - Lists the Raid devices with its corresponding Controller Read value.
  8. Raid Controller Writes - Lists the Raid devices with its corresponding Controller Write value.
  9. Raid IO Rate - Lists the Raid devices with its corresponding IO rates.
  10. Raid Latency - Shows the corresponding latency delay seen in the Raid devices.
  11. Raid Reads/second - Shows the reading rate of Raid devices.
  12. Raid Writes/second - Shows the value of the writing rate for Raid devices.
  13. Storage Forecasting - Shows the data from the Raid Forecast by Utilization report.
  14. Storage Growth Trend - Shows the data from the storage Growth Trend report.
  15. Storage Overview - Shows an overview of storage data.

WLC Widgets

  1. AP Traffic Usage - The overall usage of the access point traffic.
  2. SSID AP Count - Lists the number of access points of SSID.
  3. Top N AP Client Count for SSID - The top 10 access point client count for the SSID.
  4. Top N SSID Client count - The top 10 SSID client count.
  5. WLC Summary - The overall summary of your wireless LAN controller.

APM Widgets

The Application monitoring widgets will be enabled only for users who download and install the APM Plugin in OpManager.

  • Application Monitors Summary: Represents the associated monitors along with their availability status and health. 
  • Application Monitors Status: Represents the severity status of the application monitors in color-coded pie chart.
  • Application Health and Availability: Represents the application health and availability status.
  • Application Monitors HeatMap: Shows the alert severity status of the applications.
  • Application Monitor Groups Summary: Gives the health summary of the application groups.
  • Application Monitor Groups Tree view: Gives you deeper insights on each application group's health status.
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