Configuring thresholds for performance monitors

Configuring thresholds enable OpManager to proactively monitor the resources and the services running on the servers and network devices, and raise alerts before they go down or reach the critical condition. OpManager offers multiple threshold levels namely:

    • Attention threshold - low severity
    • Trouble threshold - medium severity
    • Critical threshold - high severity
    • Rearm - to rearm the alert after it has been triggered

You can configure multiple thresholds for the monitors that are associated to a single device, and even configure them from a device template in order to apply across multiple devices. Also, if you are going to enable custom dials, the thresholds configured for the monitor will also be applicable for the custom dial, and the color of the dial will change in real time based on the status of that monitor.

Configure threshold limits for performance monitors in an individual device

  1. Navigate to Inventory → Devices and then click on a device to open its snapshot page.
  2. Click MonitorsPerformance Monitors → click on the edit icon corresponding to the monitor for which you want to configure threshold limits. Edit Monitor page opens.
  3. Configure thresholds 


  4. Ensure that the monitoring Interval is configured.
  5. Specify the unit for the monitored resource in terms of percentage, MB, KB etc (based on how the parameter is measured).
  6. Select the condition [>,=, <, or !=] for Attention, Trouble, and Critical severity and enter the value. Alert is raised if the monitored value is greater than, equal to, not equal to, or lesser than (which ever is selected ) the threshold value.
    Also, for = operator, you can provide multiple values using pipe '|' as the separator.  Ex: 1|2|3
  7. Enter the Rearm Value. Rearm is the value that determines when the monitor is reverted back to 'Normal' status.

    Example: The Warning threshold condition for a memory monitor is selected as greater than [>] and the threshold value is configured as 75. If the value of the monitor oscillates between 72, 80 and 73 for three successive polls, an alert is not raised for the poll with value '80' but the admin might still wish to receive an alert for it.

    To avoid this, you can set the Rearm value at a considerably wide interval (say 70 in this situation) to make sure the status returns to 'Normal' only when the value goes below this threshold.

    Note that if you set the thresholds' conditions using '>' criteria, then the rearm value can only be set using '<=' and vice versa.
  • In the Consecutive Times field enter the value of how many consecutive times the thresholds (Attention, Trouble and Critical) can be violated to generate the alert.
  • Click on Save.

Configure threshold limits for multiple devices of same type using Device Template

  1. Go to SettingsConfigurationDevice Templates and select the template in which you want to configure the threshold.
  2. Under Monitors column, all the monitors that are currently associated with the devices are listed. If you want toadd or remove required monitors. Click on Edit Thresholds button. Edit Thresholds page opens.
  3. Configure thresholds 

  4. Configure the Attention, Trouble, Critical Threshold and the Rearm Value and click on OK
  5. Click on OK.

Configure from the Performance Monitors page:

  1. Go to Settings → Monitoring → Performance monitors and click the 'Edit' icon next to the monitor of your choice.
  2. Change the threshold values as required and click 'Save'.
  3. Configure thresholds 

  4. Once it's done, click the 'Associate' button next to the monitor to associate it to the necessary devices.
NOTE: To associate monitors in bulk, click on the associate icon at the top right corner of the page, and select the monitors you want to associate with devices.

Configure from the Adaptive Thresholds page:

  1. Go to Settings → Monitoring → Adaptive Threshold.
  2. Enable the "Enable Adaptive Threshold" radio button.
  3. Configure the deviation values from the below table under the actions column, for both perf groups and performance monitors.
  4. Click on "Save".

Configure thresholds 

Note: Following an upgrade to OpManager v128261, adaptive thresholds can be configured for all performance monitors. Additionally, the user can enable adaptive thresholds and also configure threshold conditions for the varied severity levels. However, these threshold conditions can only be configured using the < or >.

Learn more about Adaptive Thresholds.

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