Free Training - ManageEngine OpManager

OpManager Installation - Basic Requirements

The tables below outline the pre-requisites for installing OpManager Enterprise Edition.

Port Requirements

The following table summarizes the ports and protocols that OpManager uses for communication.

Ports used by the application

Port Protocol Port Type Usage Remarks
Central - 13307 TCP Static (PostgreSQL) Database Port Can be changed in conf/database_params.conf file.
Probe - 13308 TCP Static (PostgreSQL) Database Port Can be changed in conf/database_params.conf file.
1433 TCP Static (MS SQL) Database Port Can be changed in conf/database_params.conf file/ DBConfiguration.bat file.
23 TCP Static SSH Port  
8060 TCP Static Web Server Port Can be configured using ChangeWebServerPort.bat.
7275 TCP Static Remote Desktop Port (RDP) Can be configured using gateway.conf (Under\conf folder)

Ports used for monitoring

Port Protocol Port Type Usage Remarks
161 UDP Static SNMP  
135 TCP Static WMI  
1025 to 5000 TCP Dyamic WMI Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 Know More
49152 to 65535 TCP Dyamic WMI Windows Server 2008 and later versions, Windows Vista and later versions Know More
2000 TCP Static Internal Communication Port  
56328 TCP Dyamic ShutDown Listener Port  
162 UDP Static SNMP Trap Receiver Port  
514 UDP Static SYSLOG Receiver Port SYSLOG Receiver Port can be changed via WebClient

Ports used by add-ons

Port Protocol Port Type Usage Remarks
69 UDP Static TFTP Port [NCM] TFTP Port is used for transferring the configuration files
1514 UDP Static Firewall Log Receiver [FWA] Firewall Receiver Port can be changed via WebClient
9996 TCP   NetFlow Listener Port [NFA] NetFlow Listener Port can be changed via WebClient


Note: Learn about the OpManager system requirements.


OpManager Enterprise edition can monitor upto 10,000 devices and 50,000 interfaces out-of-the-box.

Generally, all the archived data (for Reports) stored in the Probes is transferred to the Central and the Central server gives a unified view of all the Reports. But this impacts scalability when a highly distributed environment (deploying additional number of Probes) is required.

To scale up the number of Probes, an option has been introduced. When this scalability option is enabled, it prevents the Probes from sending archived data to the Central. With this option enabled, users can still view the Reports in the Central. But when a report is accessed, the data will be generated from the Probe database and rendered in the Central server to facilitate connection with more number of Probes.

For scaling more devices, contact


To install OpManager Enterprise Edition, follow the instructions in this page.

Configure HTTP to HTTPS mode of communication

By default, the communication between the Probe servers and the Central server is through HTTP or HTTPS. To switch from HTTP to HTTPS mode of communication, follow the instructions in this page.

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