Upgrade Manager

The Upgrade Manager simplifies the upgrade process for OpManager-installed servers across your network. It offers a centralized platform to manage and execute upgrades for OpManager standalone server, central server, probes, and their failover servers. This documentation outlines the steps to perform an upgrade using Upgrade Manager.

How to upgrade via the upgrade manager?

Upgrade manager simplifies the upgrade process into three stages:

1. Upload service packs

  • Go to Settings > General Settings > Upgrade Manager.
  • The upgrade manager page provides comprehensive installation details about the servers.
  • Click the Upgrade option at the top right.
  • Upgrade Manager

  • Download the relevant service pack from the click here option provided below the OpManager Service Pack field, and click Upload.
  • Upgrade Manager

    Note: If the service pack validation fails, you will be prompted to download and import an Integrity Certificate file to retry the validation process and proceed with the upgrade.

  • The service pack will be automatically downloaded by the probes. The service pack's version number, type will be displayed.
  • Upgrade Manager

  • The service pack's download speed for individual probes will be displayed under the Current Status column.
  • While downloading the service pack, if slowness or network issues is encountered, you can manually stop the download using the Stop button in the Actions column. In that case, manually copy the service pack to the <OpManagerProbe>\UpgradeManager directory for OpManager service packs, and <OpManagerProbe>\AppManager\UpgradeManager for APM Plugin service packs. Use the Refresh button to fetch the latest status of the respective probe service.

  • If a probe goes offline or loses communication with the central while the service pack is downloading, the download will automatically resume once communication is reestablished with the central service.

2. Health check

  • The health check(service pack prerequisites) will automatically commence when the service pack is downloaded to verify the prerequisites for upgrade.
  • If the health check fails, you can view the specific failure details by clicking the "Details" button.
  • Once the health check conditions are met, you can use the "Retry" button to reattempt the health check.
  • Upgrade Manager

  • With a successful health check for both the central and all probes, the product is now ready for the upgrade.
  • Click the Start Upgrade button to proceed with the upgrade.

Upgrade Manager

3. Upgrade process

  • The upgrade will start, and the progress will be displayed automatically on the service URL.
  • Upgrade Manager

  • The APM plugin upgrade will automatically start once OpManager has been successfully upgraded on the server.
  • For failover servers, the upgrade will start automatically for both the active and the standby server .
  • All probes will automatically begin upgrading simultaneously once the central upgrade is successfully completed.
  • Upgrade details for individual servers will be automatically updated under the Current Status column in central.

    Upgrade Manager

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