Account - Additional Fields
While adding an Account, you may want to capture additional details about the account apart from the preset fields in the New Account form. The Account - Additional Fields help you configure the additional fields to display in the New Account form. You can configure different types of fields in the form namely, Text fields, Numeric fields and Data & Time fields.
To access Account - Additional fields,
Log in to SupportCenter Plus application using the user name and password of an admin user.
Click the Admin tab in the header pane.
Click the Account - Additional Fields icon
under the Account Settings block. The Account - Additional Fields list page opens. You can add up to 12 text fields, 4 numeric and 4 date & time fields.
Text Additional Fields
If the additional fields are for alphabets and alphanumeric characters, then use the Text Additional Fields.
To add additional fields,
In the Account - Additional Fields List page, click Add New Field link at the top right corner.
You have 3 types of text field namely, Single-line, Multi-line and Pick List (drop-down menu).
- Single-line: A Single-line text field is for text which can be accommodated in a single line.
Multi-line: The Multi-line text field is for text which requires a lengthy description.
Pick List (drop-down menu): The Pick List or drop-down menu allows you to add a list of items from which you can select. To add the items, enter the value in the text field. Click Add Item. The value is added to the list. To delete an item, select the item and click the Delete button. The added values can be rearranged using the Up and Down buttons. You can even sort the pick list values in ascending or descending order by selecting an option from Sort Items drop down.
Specify the Field Name for the additional field.
Specify any relevant information about the additional field in the Description text field.
You can also specify default values to be pre-filled in the new accounts form.
Click Save to save the settings.
Numeric Additional Fields
If the additional fields are for only numeric characters, then use the Numeric Additional Fields.
In the Account - Additional Fields List page, click Add New Field link at the top right corner.
Click on the Numeric image tab.
Specify the Field Name for the additional field.
Specify any relevant information about the additional fields in the Description text field.
Click Save to save the settings.
Date & Time Additional Fields
If the additional fields are for data and time, then use the Date & Time Additional Fields.
In the Account - Additional Fields List page, click Add New Field link at the top right corner.
Click on the Date & Time image tab.
Specify the Field Name for the additional field.
Specify any relevant information about the additional fields in the Description text fields.
Click Save to save the settings.
NOTE: Once all the 20 fields are added, the Add New Field link will disappear.
The configured additional fields appear while adding a new account under Additional Account Details block. The number of fields added or deleted can be identified using the "Column Name" field in the Account - Additional fields List page. It indicates the type of field added along with the field count. The text fields are represented as 'UDF_CHAR', the numeric fields are represented as 'UDF_LONG' and the date fields are represented as 'UDF_DATE'.
Edit Additional field
To edit an additional field,
In the Account - Additional Fields List page, click the Edit icon
beside the additional field you want to edit.
In the Edit Account - Additional Fields form, modify the required fields.
Click Save. At any point, if you wish to cancel the operation that you are performing, click Cancel. The modified field will be updated in the New Account form.
Delete Additional field
To delete an additional field,
In the Account - Additional Fields List page, click the Delete icon
beside the additional field you want to delete. A confirmation dialog appears.
Click Ok to proceed with the deletion. The field is removed from the Account - Additional fields List page and would not appear in the New Account form.