SupportCenter Plus

    Report Settings

    Report Settings helps you to customize the report column size, customize the data and time format to be displayed in reports, and options to Disable links, grouping per page and specify default values for empty fields.

    1. Click Reports tab in the header pane to open All Reports page.

    2. Click on Report Settings button. Report Settings page pops up.

    3. You can customize the Tabular column size by specify the size of the small text, large text, number size and date and time text.

    4. If you wish to customize the Matrix column size, specify the size of the cell width and cell height and update the changes.

    5. You can also change the Date and Time format to be displayed in the report. If you specify the format in the given text field as MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm then the result would be Date: 09-20-2007 Time:03:20.

    6. You can also customize the Report Font Settings by select the font size for the report title, table header and table row from the respective drop down.

    7. While viewing the report, if you do not want to show links then enable Disable link in reports check box. By default, this option is disabled.

    8. You can specify values to replace empty values in the respective field.

    9. Click the Update button.



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