SCP - ManageEngine Analytics Plus / Zoho Reports IntegrationIntegration of Zoho/ManageEngine Analytics Plus with SCP provides easy report generation, analysis, and interpretation and has an advantage of timely-sync. ManageEngine Analytics Plus is for On-premise integration while Zoho Reports is for On Cloud integration.
This feature is available under Admin>>Integration & Add-ons>>Advanced Analytics>>Setup Advanced Analytics Integration.
Zoho Reports is an online reporting & a business intelligence service that help you easily analyze your business data and create insightful reports and dashboards for informed decision making. With Zoho Reports - SCP Integration, the data can be easily analyzed in SupportCenter Plus. Zoho Reports intuitive drag-and-drop interface can quickly 'slice & dice' the support center data, analyze key service metrics and provide informed decisions to optimize your business operation.
The integration between SCP and Zoho Reports can be done as follows: 1. The configuration wizard with
2. In the 'Basic Setup', Advanced Analytics Credentials and Initial Data Synchronization will be shown.
On clicking 'Save' Button: On clicking 'save', the entered details will be saved and the credentials will be validated, without initializing data sync. On clicking 'Save and sync' Button: On clicking 'save and sync', the entered details will be saved in the database and the data will get synchronized. It should be noted that the Requests and Additional fields (except multi-select) will be synchronized. On clicking 'Re-Sync': The 'Re-Sync' button will be available after the 'Save and Sync' process is completed. On clicking 'Re-Sync', the manual sync process can be initiated. 3. In the 'Additional Setup'
The security information provides detailed information about the data transfer and other precautions.
The following will be synced with Zoho Reports/ ManageEngine Analytics Plus Additional fields created for a Request will be automatically populated in Zoho Reports and ManageEngine Advanced Analytics when 'Sync' or 'Re-sync' is done.
ManageEngine Analytics Plus is a business intelligence and reporting software from ManageEngine that help you to generate detailed reports about your Helpdesk performance & metrics. With a variety of reporting functionalities, it helps you analyze your help desk and take control of your requests. STEPS TO INTEGRATE SCP WITH MANAGEENGINE ANALYTICS PLUS After downloading and installing the ManageEngine Reports on a Windows/Linux machine, click Admin>>Integration & Add-ons>>Advanced Analytics >>Initial Setup. 1. The configuration wizard with
2. In the Basic Setup, Advanced Analytics Credentials and Initial Data Synchronization will be shown. In the 'Advanced Analytics Credentials' field, enter the following details:
In 'Initial Data Synchronization', click on the calendar icon and choose the date from when the reports have to be synchronized. The data will be synchronized based on the interval specified in Additional setup>>Periodic Data Synchronization.
On clicking 'Save' Button: On clicking 'save', the entered details will be saved and the credentials will be validated, without initializing data sync. On clicking 'Save and sync' Button: On clicking 'save and sync', the entered details will be saved in the database and the data will get synchronized. It should be noted that the Requests and Additional fields (except multi-select) will be synchronized. On clicking 'Re-Sync': The 'Re-Sync' button will be available after the 'Save and Sync' process is completed. On clicking 'Re-Sync', the manual sync process can be initiated. 3. In the Additional Setup,
Data from SupportCenter Plus will be synchronized to Analytics Plus periodically as configured below: The SupportCenter Plus data older than the retention period will be automatically deleted from the Analytics Plus. Remove Analytics Plus Integration Setup
The security information provides detailed information about the data transfer and other precautions.
How to view Reports after Integration Only users having an account either in ManageEngine Analytics Plus or Zoho Reports can view Advanced Analytics Reports. After Integrating SupportCenter Plus with Zoho Reports/ ME Analytics Plus, the reports can be viewed from Reports >> Advanced Analytics. Before integration, the Advanced Analytics Reports will be displayed as follows:
When 'Advanced Analytics' is clicked, a pop-up directing to the Zoho Reports Database will be displayed in case of successful integration with Zoho Reports.
In case of integration with ManageEngine Analytics Plus, the following pop-up will be displayed when 'Advanced Analytics' is clicked.
The help icon next to 'Advanced Analytics' will display about Advanced Analytics.
Note1. The entire 'Sync schedule' will be ceased in four days if the continuous sync fails. 2. The Retention Policy will run once in seven days. 3. The shared users list in Zoho Reports will be categorized as 'Zoho report users available in SCP' and 'not available in SCP'. Each category will have users and DB owners. 4. The error log file related to 'Sync' process can be traced out from 'Logs' folder available SCP_Home >>Logs. |