Technician Availability Chart
The Technician Availability Chart displays the list of Support Reps and their availability for a given month. The chart is a matrix view, indicating the availability of the Support Reps for a specific day. It allows Support Reps to apply for leave, edit/delete leave and even notify Support Reps when a Support Rep is unavailable.
Note: The Technician Availability Chart is available only for Support Reps with Admin privileges such as an administrator.
To view the Technician Availability Chart,
Click Scheduler tab on the Home page. This opens the Schedule Calendar displaying the tasks and events assigned to the Support Rep who has logged in.
Click Availability Chart tab next to the Calendar.
You can also choose Availability Chart from the Quick Actions link under the header pane. This opens the Availability Chart.
Availability Chart:
The Availability Chart shows the current month and year.
The navigation buttons at the top center help to navigate between the previous and the forthcoming months.
The gray border indicates the current date in the calendar.
By default, for an administrator, the list of all the Support Reps gets displayed. An administrator can view the availability of a particular Support Rep.
Leave types are marked in different colors.
Using the Availability Chart, you can perform actions such as,
Mark Leave
The unavailability of a Support Rep can be marked using the Availability Chart. This is essential so that tasks/events that are assigned to that particular Support Rep on that day can be re-assigned to another Support Rep.
To mark leave,
From the Availability Chart, click on the day corresponding to the Support Rep on leave. This opens the Mark Unavailability pop-up window as shown below,
The name of the Support Rep is displayed in a non-editable text format.
Select the Leave Type (Casual Leave, Sick Leave and so on) from the combo box.
Select the From and To date of leave by invoking the calendar icon.
Specify any relevant comments regarding the leave in the Comment text box.
Click Save. The Support Rep's holiday will be indicated by a different color.
Leave can also be marked by clicking Quick Actions -> Mark Unavailability under the Scheduler block. This opens the Mark Unavailability pop up window. Follow the above steps to mark leave.
Selected Support Reps will be notified by email when a new reply is appended to the requests of unavailable Support Rep.
All information related to the unavailability of a Support Rep, including the period of leave is displayed in the Availability Chart.
Editing Leave
To edit leave,
Click on the leave of the Support Rep that needs to be edited on the Availability Chart. This opens the Unavailability Info pop-up window.
Edit and make necessary changes (Leave Type or Leave Period).
Click Save.
Deleting Leave
To delete leave,
Click on the leave of the Support Rep that needs to be deleted from the Availability Chart. This opens the Unavailability Info pop-up window.
Click Delete. The leave gets deleted.
Note: If a continuous period of leave is applied, then the entire period will be deleted.
Using the navigation buttons at the top center of the screen, one can navigate to the previous and the forthcoming months to get a broader idea about the Support Reps on leave and their period of absence for that period.