SupportCenter Plus

Importing Requests from XLS file


ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus provides an easy-to-use XLS import option to import bulk requests from your existing application or even from other applications. The total size of the XLS file that you are importing should not exceed 20 MB.


Apart from this import option, you also have other import options in SupportCenter Plus such as "Importing Account & Contacts from CSV file", "Importing Products from CSV file" and "Importing Sales Details from CSV file".


To import requests from XLS file,

  1. Click on the Requests tab in the header pane to open the Request List view.


  1. Click Import Requests button to import requests from XLS. This opens the Import Requests page.

Below are the steps to import requests from XLS file.


Step 1: Upload XLS file

  1. Click on Choose File button to select the XLS file.

  2. On choosing the XLS file from the File Upload window, click Open. The name of the file appears automatically beside the Choose File button.


  1. Click Next button.

NOTE: A sample XLS file can be downloaded by clicking on the Download XLS file link.



Step 2: Map fields


In this step you can map the SCP fields with the corresponding XLS fields to make sure the request values are transferred properly. The field names of the XLS file are populated in the drop down boxes beside the each field label in SCP.


To map fields,

  1. Select the XLS Sheet Name from the drop down. The total row count of the selected sheet will be displayed beside the field. If the selected sheet contains no rows, then an alert message will be displayed.

  2. Map the application request fields with the field names from (selected sheet) the XLS file. Any additional fields added for the request will also be displayed.


  1. Select the Date & Time Format from the drop down to represent all the date fields.

    NOTE: The formats available in the drop down are only supported in the XLS file.

  2. Click Next button to go the next page. Click Previous button to go back to Step 1.





  1. There are some system-defined mandatory fields that need to be mapped before import. For example, Subject and Contact fields. Importing request is not possible if these system-defined mandatory fields are not mapped.

  2. The same date and time format used in the XLS files for date fields should be selected in the Date & Time Format field during field mapping. The format selected here will be set for all the date fields.
  3. The default request template will be applied to the imported requests.



Step 3: Review Mapping


The following points should be noted during the import:

  • During the import process, each record from the XLS file will be considered as a new request and added in SupportCenter Plus.

  • While importing Resolved/Closed requests and if the request closing rules are not matched, then the requests will be added with 'Open' status.

  • For requests with no status available, 'Open' status will be applied during the import.

  • For the requests without created time selected, then the current system time will be set as request created time.

  • For requests with Closed/Resolved status and the completed time is not available, then the current system time will be set as completed time.

  • Notifications on request creation will be disabled.

Click Import button to proceed.


Import Status


This section appears whenever a new field value is available for the mapped field in the XLS file. For example, if a new priority 'Urgent' is available in the XLS file, then the field name 'Priority' with the new value 'Urgent' will be displayed in this section. To get the new values imported, you will have to add the new values under Admin module prior to the import. You can also skip adding the new values by selecting Import without adding the above field values check box. Click Import button. The requests are imported from the XLS file.


NOTE: Requests cannot be imported unless you add the new values or skip adding the new values.



Import Summary


On completion of the import, the total records on the selected sheet, the number of records imported and the number of records failed to import are displayed under this section. A list of failed records and the reason for failure are represented in the form of a link. You can click the ‘View XLS File’ to view the list of failed requests. To view the reasons for import failure, click ‘Error Details’ link.


The possible reasons for request import failure are as follows:

  • The mandatory fields such as Subject and Contact Name could be empty in the XLS file.

  • Closed/Resolved request date could be earlier than the Request Created date.


Click Finish button to view the imported requests in the Request List view.









If there are any failure records while importing the requests from XLS, do not re-import the same XLS file. Instead, download the failedRequestsList.xls by clicking on the View XLS File link available in the Import Summary page, correct the errors and then import to avoid duplicate requests.



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