SupportCenter Plus

    Personalize SupportCenter Plus

    SupportCenter Plus can be personalized by modifying any text displayed in the web interface to suite your organization needs. You can modify sentences or specific words such as, 'Requests' to 'Tickets', 'Admin' to 'Configurations', or 'Contacts' to 'Users'.


    You can also modify the keys for all the languages supported by SupportCenter Plus.


    Follow the steps given below to personalize the text used in SupportCenter Plus:

    1. The Properties file that holds the default language keys will be available in the below mentioned file directory.

      "<SCP Home>/applications/extracted/AdventNetSupportCenter.eear/AdventNetServiceDeskWC.ear/AdventNetServiceDesk.war/WEB-INF/classes/resources".

    2. The keys for different languages will be available under separate properties file with their language code at the end (ApplicationResources_<language_code>.properties). For example, the keys for English language will be available with the name "".

    3. You can personalize the text used in SupportCenter Plus by modifying any key in the selected Properties file. The modified Properties file should be placed under the "<SCP Home>/custom/i18n" directory.

    4. You can either copy the properties file which you would like to modify from the default directory "<SCP Home>/applications/extracted/AdventNetSupportCenter.eear/AdventNetServiceDeskWC.ear/AdventNetServiceDesk.war/WEB-INF/classes/resources" and paste it under the "<SCP Home>/custom/i18n" directory to modify the language keys.


      You can create a new properties file with the file name "ApplicationResources_<language_code>.properties" and place it under the "<SCP Home>/custom/i18n" directory and enter the keys which you would like to modify.

    1. Open the properties file (e.g., and modify any key as required. For example, if you want to call Requests as Tickets, you can change “sdp.header.requests=Request" to "sdp.header.requests=Ticket". The same way other language keys can be modified under separate properties file.

    2. Save the properties file and restart the server to update the changes. While restarting the server, the custom directory keys ("<SCP Home>/custom/i18n") are updated automatically in the default properties file ("<SCP Home>/applications/extracted/AdventNetSupportCenter.eear/AdventNetServiceDeskWC.ear/AdventNetServiceDesk.war/WEB-INF/classes/resources").

    3. During the above process, a backup of the default properties file is generated and obtained in the "WEB-INF/classes/resources/backup" directory. This backup file is generated only once and deleted automatically during the product upgrade.

    4. If you would like to revert to the default keys, you need to delete the properties file created in the "i18n" folder and then copy the required backup file created under backup folder and replace it in the default directory. Now restart the server to revert the changes in the web interface.


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