SupportCenter Plus


The process of handling service request from the customer to the support rep is manual in many organizations, which makes them prone to human error, and extremely difficult to manage and synchronize customer information. Thus often leading to a significant delay in executing the incoming tickets and tasks.  


ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus is one of the most comprehensive Customer Help Desk Software, which can help any business to effectively support and communicate to their customers. SupportCenter Plus is a web based customer service and support solution that offers Trouble Ticketing, Account & Contact Management, SLA Management and Knowledge base all in one package. It helps you track and resolve customer issues quickly, thereby delivering superior customer support and taking customer satisfaction to the next level.




The two main focus of ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus are;

  • Request Tracking, and

  • Customer Account Management

Using the above modules, support reps and administrators can resolve complex issues in no time, thus reducing end-user frustration arising due to time consuming issue resolving process. In addition, they can also keep track of the changing needs of the customers and modify their services to suit their requirements.


Requests Module


Helpdesk Support Reps receive requests from a variety of sources; email, phone calls, forums, web portal, from various regions across the globe. The request module functions as the customer support desk where requests are fetched from the mail server at regular intervals and routed to the respective Business Units from where necessary solutions are provided by assigning support reps to resolve issues reported.



Solutions Module


This module serves as a knowledge base for your customer support team as well as your customers. Customers can search this for solutions for issues and solve it themselves. Also, when support reps resolve issues, they can directly convert these resolutions as knowledge base articles.



Contracts Module


Contracts are the services offered to an account and their associated products for a specific time period. These support services are grouped under a Support Plan which determines the due by time for requests raised for the account/product. Thus based on the associated contracts, any request raised for the account/product should be resolved based on the support plan and applied due by time.  



Accounts Module


With this module, all your valuable customer information can be maintained and kept up-to-date. The account information gives you details of their contacts, the products purchased and the kind of support services that needs to be provided to them. Furthermore, for accounts with branches in different locations, each branch is added as a sub account of the account. Thus maintaining information of the branches of an account too.



Contacts Module


The contact information tracking enables you to have a tab on what is the latest progress on the status of the customer, the type of customer and other such related information. To view the various contacts and their details, click the Contacts tab in the header pane.

Reports Module


Using reports module you can evaluate and analyze the efficiency and productivity of your support team, and the load of requests handled by them. A set of predefined reports are generated from the data available in the application. Apart from the preset reports you can also customize your reports using Custom Reports option.


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