Nutanix Monitoring

Creating a new Nutanix monitor

Follow the steps given below to create a new Nutanix monitor:

  1. Click on New Monitor link. Select Nutanix under Converged Infrastructure category.
  2. Specify the Display Name of the Nutanix Server.
  3. Enter the Cluster Hostname / IP address of the server on which Nutanix is running.  
  4. Specify the Port at which Nutanix web service is running. The Default Port is 9440.
  5. If you choose the Use Below Credentials option, then enter the credentials - UserName and Password of the Nutanix Host Machine.
    • UserName - Name of the User who has the permission.  
    • Password - Password of the above user.
  6. If you choose the Select from credential list option, then select the respective credential from preconfigured credential list.
  7. Specify the Discovery Interval in minutes for the automatic discovery and monitoring of child monitors.
  8. Specify the Polling Interval in minutes.
  9. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the Nutanix to, from the combo box (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  10. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers the Nutanix from the network and starts monitoring it.
Note: To create a new Nutanix monitor, follow the steps given below:
Cluster Hostname / IP address should be that of the server on which Nutanix is running.
Port should be the https port at which Nutanix web service is running. The Default Port is 9440.
Username and Password should be the credentials of Nutanix Prism user with admin privileges.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Nutanix under the Converged Infrastructure table. Displayed is the Nutanix bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

On clicking a monitor from the list, you'll be taken to the Nutanix monitor dashboard. It has 5 tabs:

To find out about the metrics monitored in VMs discovered in Nutanix, click here.


Cluster CPU Usage CPU used by cluster in %
Cluster Memory Usage Memory used by cluster in %
Cluster Details
Cluster Name Name of the cluster
Cluster Version Version number of the cluster
Cloud Cluster If the cluster is a cloud cluster, the value shows "true", else "false".
Multi Cluster If the cluster is a multi cluster, the value shows "true", else "false".
Hardware Details
Number of Hosts Number of hosts in the hardware.
Number of Blocks Number of blocks in the hardware.
Hypervisor Name of the hypervisor.
Number of VMs Number of VMs in the hardware.
Memory Details
Total Physical Memory Total physical memory in %
Used Physical Memory Total memory used by cluster in %
Free Physical Memory Total memory unused in %
Number of VMs per Host Number of VMs per host
Virtual Machines
Virtual Machine Name of the virtual machine.
Host Name Name of the host.
VM State State of VM - On/Off
CPU Usage(%) CPU used by VM in %
Memory Usage (%) Memory used by VM in %


Host CPU Usage CPU used by host in %
Host Memory Usage Memory used by host in %
Host CPU and Memory Details
Host Name Name of the host
CPU Usage (%) CPU used by host in %
CPU Capacity (GHz) Total capacity of CPU in GHz
Memory Usage (%) Memory used by host in %
Memory Usage (GiB) Memory used by host in GiB
Memory Capacity (GiB) Memory capacity in GiB
Host Disk Details
Disk Usage(GiB) Disk used in GiB
Disk Capacity (GiB) Disk capacity in GiB
Disk IOPS (IOps) Disk IOPS in IOps
Disk IO Bandwidth (MBps) Disk IO Bandwidth in MBps
Disk IO Latency (ms) Disk IO Latency in ms
Host Configuration Details
Host Name Name of the host
Hypervisor IP address IP address of the Hypervisor
Number of VMs Number of VMs
Hypervisor Type Type of Hypervisor
Hypervisor State State of Hypervisor


Cluster IOPS Total Cluster IOPS in IOps
Cluster Read IOPS Cluster read IOPS in IOps
Cluster Write IOPS Cluster write IOPS in IOps
Cluster Bandwidth Total Cluster Bandwidth in MBps
Cluster Read Bandwidth Cluster read Bandwidth in MBps
Cluster Write Cluster write Bandwidth in MBps
Cluster Latency Total Cluster Latency in ms
Cluster Read Latency Cluster read Latency in ms
Cluster Write Latency Cluster write Latency in ms


Disk Details
Disk ID Disk ID
Name Name of the disk
Type Disk type
Status Status of the disk
Path The path at which the disk resides
Capacity (GiB) Capacity of disk in GiB
Free (GiB) Free disk in GiB
Used (GiB) Used disk in GiB
Storage Container Details
Name Name of the Storage Container
Replica factor Replica factor of storage container
Capacity (GiB) Capacity of storage container in GiB
Free (GiB) Amount of storage free in GiB
Used (GiB) Amount of used in GiB


Alert Details
Alert ID Alert ID
Issue Issue for which alert was generated
Severity Severity of the alert
Affected Entities in Alert Entities which were affected because of the alert
Resolved Shows whether the issue was resolved or not
Resolved Time Shows the time at which it was resolved
AutoResolved Shows whether it was automatically resolved
Acknowledged User Shows the user who acknowledged it
Acknowledged Time Shows the time at which the user acknowledged it
Event Details
Event ID Event ID
Message Event message
Affected Entities in Event Entities which were affected because of the event
Event Created Time Creation time of the Event
Acknowledged User Shows the user who acknowledged it
Acknowledged Time Shows the time at which the user acknowledged it

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