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AddMonitor APIs - Servers

This section explains how to use the AddMonitor API to add monitors of the category type Servers. The following servers are supported:

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator


  • Discovery via Telnet



    Sample Request:


  • Discovery via SSH



    Sample Request:


Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of monitor you want to add. The value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the AIX server is running.
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'AIX'.
username The username of the AIX server.
mode The mode of monitoring the AIX server. Value should be either TELNET or SSH.
snmptelnetport The port number where Telnet service is running. Default value is 23.
password The password of the AIX server.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
prompt The command prompt value. Value is '$'
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.



https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&subnet=[SUBNET]&pollInterval=[POLLINTERVAL] &sslenabled=[TRUE/FALSE] &os=[OS]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&timeout=[TIMEOUT]&addgivenname=[true/false]

Sample Request:


Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the IBM i server is running.
subnet The subnet mask value
pollInterval The polling interval for the monitor.
sslenabled Indicates whether the monitored connection uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for secure communication between the monitoring tool and the IBM resource. Value is true/false.
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'AS400/iSeries'.
username The username of the IBM i server.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
password The password of the IBM i server.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.



  • Discovery via Telnet



    Sample Request


  • Discovery via SSH



    Sample Request


    Discovery via SNMP






    Sample Request:





Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the FreeBSD server is running.
subnet The subnet mask value
pollInterval The polling interval for the monitor.
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'FreeBSD'.
username The username of the FreeBSD server.
password The password of the FreeBSD server.
mode The mode of monitoring. Value should be either SNMP, TELNET or SSH.
snmpCommunityString  The SNMP community string required for read-only access of SNMP data on the Server. Mandatory when using SNMP mode. The default value is 'public'.
snmptelnetport The port where Telnet service is running. Default value is 23.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
prompt The command prompt value. Value is $.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.



  • Discovery via Telnet



    Sample Request:


  • Discovery via SSH



    Sample Request:

    https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&type=servers&displayname=apmhpux&username=admin&password=appman&os=HP-UX&mode=SSH&snmptelnetport=22&host=hpuxtests&timeout=30 https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&mode=SSH&password=Tet%24%40850&os=HP-UX&snmptelnetport=22&displayname=HP-UXSSH&host=hpux-host-2k23&type=servers&prompt=%24&timeout=30&username=test&addgivenname=false

Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
username The username of the HP-UX server.
password The password of the HP-UX server.
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'HP-UX'.
mode The mode of monitoring. Values are SSH or TELNET
snmptelnetport The port where SSH/Telnet service is running. Default values are 23 (for Telnet) and 22 (for SSH).
timeout The time out value in seconds.
host The name of the host where the HP-UX server is running.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.


  • Discovery via Telnet



    Sample Request:


  • Discovery via SSH



    Sample Request:

    https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&type=servers&displayname=APMLINUX &host=apptest-centos-2k23&snmptelnetport=22&os=Linux&mode=SSH&timeout=10&username=admin&password=appman&prompt=$&addgivenname=false&applicationDiscovery_status=true

  • Discovery via SNMP






    Sample Request:





Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the Linux server is running.
snmptelnetport The port where SSH/Telnet/SNMP is running. Default values are 23 (for Telnet), 22 (for SSH) and 161 (for SNMP).
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'Linux'.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
mode The mode of monitoring. Value is either SNMP, SSH or TELNET. (For SNMP mode, the community string has to be added in the API request parameter.)
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.
username The username to use the Telnet/SSH mode of monitoring.
password The password to use the Telnet/SSH mode of monitoring.
prompt The command prompt value. Value is '$'
applicationDiscovery_status Scans server monitor and add the discovery supported applications running in the server. Possible values are either true / false.
snmpCommunityString  The SNMP community string required for read-only access of SNMP data on the Server. Mandatory when using SNMP mode. The default value is 'public'.
snmpVersionValue The SNMP version to be used for access of SNMP data on the server. Mandatory when using SNMP mode. Possible values are v1v2 or v3.
snmpSecurityLevel The SNMP V3 SecurityLevel. The value will be NOAUTHNOPRIV, AUTHNOPRIV, AUTHPRIV
snmpUserName The SNMP V3 Principal
snmpAuthProtocol The SNMP V3 AuthProtocol
snmpAuthPassword The SNMP V3 AuthPassword
snmpPrivProtocol The SNMP V3 PrivProtocol
snmpPrivPassword The SNMP V3 PrivPassword
snmpContextName The SNMP V3 Context name


Mac OS

  • Discovery via Telnet



    Sample Request:

    https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&type=servers&displayname=apmmac&host=apptest-mac&snmptelnetport=23&os=Mac OS&mode=TELNET&username=admin&password=appman&timeout=30&addgivenname=false

  • Discovery via SSH



    Sample Request:


  • Discovery via SNMP






    Sample Request:


    https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&type=servers&displayname=apmsnmpserverv1v2&host=apmsnmp-host-1&snmpPort=161&os=Mac OS&mode=SNMP&timeout=5&snmpCommunityString=public&snmpVersionValue=v1v2&addgivenname=false


    https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&type=servers&displayname=apmsnmpserverv3&host=apmsnmp-host-1&snmpPort=161&os=Mac OS&mode=SNMP&timeout=5&snmpSecurityLevel=AUTHPRIV&snmpUserName=SHA256AES128&snmpAuthPassword=********&snmpAuthProtocol=SHA_256&snmpPrivPassword=*******&snmpPrivProtocol=AES_128&snmpVersionValue=v3&snmpContextName=&addgivenname=false

Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the Mac OS is running.
snmptelnetport The port where SSH/Telnet/SNMP is running. Default values are 23 (for Telnet), 22 (for SSH) and 161 (for SNMP).
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'Mac OS'.
mode The mode of monitoring. Value is either SNMP, SSH or TELNET.
username The user name of the Mac OS server.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
password The password of the Mac OS server.
snmpCommunityString  The SNMP community string required for read-only access of SNMP data on the Server. Mandatory when using SNMP mode. The default value is 'public'.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.



  • Discovery via SNMP






    Sample Request:





Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the Novell server is running.
snmptelnetport The port where SNMP is running. Default value is 161.
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'Novell'.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
mode The mode of monitoring specified for the server. Value is 'SNMP'.
snmpCommunityString  The SNMP community string required for read-only access of SNMP data on the Server. The default value is 'public'.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)


Sun Solaris

  • Discovery via Tenet



    Sample Request:


  • Discovery via SSH



    Sample Request:


  • Discovery via SNMP






    Sample Request:





Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the Sun Solaris server is running.
snmptelnetport The port where SSH/Telnet/SNMP is running. Default values are 23 (for Telnet), 22 (for SSH) and 161 (for SNMP).
os The operating system of the server. Value is 'SUN'.
mode The mode of monitoring specified for the server. Value should be either SNMP, TELNET or SSH.
username The user name of the Sun Solaris server.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
password The password of the Sun Solaris server.
snmpCommunityString  The SNMP community string required for read-only access of SNMP data on the Server. Mandatory when using SNMP mode. The default value is 'public'.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor
  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.
addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.



  • Discovery via WMI



    Sample Request:

    https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccc&displayname=Windows2k19&host=app-w19-7&os=Windows 2019&mode=WMI&username=administrator&password=abc123&timeout=180&kerberos_status=false&eventlog_status=false&type=Servers&addgivenname=false&applicationDiscovery_status=true

  • Discovery via SNMP






    Sample Request:





Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'servers'.
host The name of the host where the Windows server is running.
snmptelnetport The port where SNMP is running. Default value is 161.
os The operating system of the server. Values can be Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 2012, Windows 2016, Windows 2019, Windows 2022, Windows 2025, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows XP, or WindowsNT.
mode The mode of monitoring specified for the server. Value should be either SNMP or WMI.
username The user name of the Windows server.
password The password of the Windows server.
applicationDiscovery_status Scans server monitor and add the discovery supported applications running in the server. Possible values are either true / false.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
eventlog_status Specifies if Event Log Monitoring is enabled. Parameter values are true/false.
snmpCommunityString The SNMP community string required for read-only access of SNMP data on the Server. Mandatory when using SNMP mode. The default value is 'public'.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor.

  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.

addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.
kerberos_status Specifies if Kerberos authentication is enabled. Possible values are either true / false.

Windows Clusters



Sample Request:


Request Parameters:

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters

Field Description
type The category type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Windows Cluster
host The name of the host where the Windows server clusters are running.
version The version of the Windows Server Clusters. Possible values are:
  • 2008 (Default)
  • 2008 R2
  • 2012
  • 2012 R2
  • 2016
DiscoverNodes Specify if you need to discover nodes. Possible Values are:
  • 0 - No(Default)
  • 1 - Yes
EventLog Specify if you need to display Event Logs.Possible Values are:
  • Yes
  • No(Default)
pollInterval The interval at which the server needs to be polled. This variable is optional. If no value is mentioned, the default value of 5 minutes will be taken.
forceadd This parameter is used to force Applications Manager to bypass availability and other authentication-related checks and add the monitor. Possible values are:
  • true - It force-adds the monitor

  • false - It does not force-add the monitor.

addgivenname Specifies if you want to set the host name of the monitor as the Host Name / IP Address that you have configured in the API. (true or false)
passphrase Specify a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one for SSH Authentication.

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