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Azure Virtual Machines

Azure Virtual Machines - An Overview

The Azure Virtual Machines are monitored based on the parameters or the attributes listed below. These attributes provide information about the functioning of the Azure Virtual Machine. Using Applications Manager's Azure Virtual machines monitoring tool, you can also configure thresholds to the numerical attributes based on these details and get notified when the thresholds are violated.

Creating a new Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines monitor

To learn how to create a new Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines monitor, click here.

Monitored Parameters

Navigate to the Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Hover over 'Child Monitors' under Microsoft Azure in the Cloud Apps table, and then select the Virtual Machine monitor from the displayed tooltip. This action will display the bulk configuration view for Azure Virtual Machine in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed. Following are the list of metrics monitored in Azure Virtual machines monitoring in their corresponding tabs:

Note: In the Edit Monitor page, users can choose their preferred mode of Data collection. Data collection for the following metrics is done via the following methods:
  • Agents Type: Option to choose the mode of monitoring agent metrics.
    • Azure Monitor Agent: Data Collection via Azure Monitor APIs by configuring metrics through Data Collection Rule (Supported from v171400).
    • Diagnostic agent: Data Collection via Storage Table APIs.
      • When fetching Diagnostic Agent metrics in Azure VM Monitor, applications with a Reader role for monitoring will face certain constraints. The Contributor role is mandatory for the Diagnostic Agent.
      • Diagnostic Agent metrics can be collected from Storage accounts in both public and private links, as long as the storage account is accessible from the machine where Applications Manager is installed. For additional information, please refer to this link.
    • Default options:
      • For Azure Global Cloud Monitors - Azure monitor agent (Recommended)
      • For Azure Government Cloud Monitors - Diagnostic agent, as Azure monitor agent is not supported.
  • Enable Guest OS Monitoring: This option prompts for the virtual machine's username (discovered automatically) and password. Guest OS monitoring is supported only for Windows VMs and the Windows installation of Applications Manager.
    • Use Public IP : This option must be enabled to use public IP to connect to Azure VM and fetch Guest OS metrics. By default, this option will be unchecked and private IP will be used.
Mode of monitoringData collection methodRequired Privileges
Azure monitor Via Azure APIs ---

Azure Agents
Azure monitor agent - Via Azure APIs by deploying Data Collection Rule resource. Azure monitor agent should be installed for the virtual machines by deploying the Data Collection Rule Resource. (Supported from Applications Manager v171400)
Diagnostic agent- Via Storage Table APIs Diagnostic Agent should be enabled for the virtual machines. (Windows and Linux)
Guest OS Via PowerShell scripts PowerShell remoting should be enabled.

Windows Virtual Machines - Monitored Metrics

Linux Virtual Machines - Monitored Metrics

Windows Virtual Machines - Monitored Metrics

Monitor Information

Name Display name of the Virtual machine.
Subscription ID Subscription ID of the Azure subscription which contains this VM.
Virtual Machine name Name of the Virtual machine.
Virtual Machine Resource ID Resource ID of the Virtual machine.
Agent Type Possible values: Azure monitor agent (Recommended)/Diagnostic agent.

Note: Agent Type is supported from Applications Manager version 171400.

Enable Guest OS monitoring Indicates whether Guest OS monitoring is enabled for the monitor.
Username VM's username
Timeout Timeout Duration (in seconds)
Associated groups The monitor groups to which this monitor is associated.
Last polled at Specifies the time at which the last poll was performed.
Next poll at Specifies the time at which the next poll is scheduled.


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
CPU Utilization Amount of CPU utilized by the virtual machine (in %).    
Memory Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the virtual machine (in %).    
CPU CREDITS (Applicable only for B-series virtual machine)
CPU Credits Consumed Number of credits consumed by the virtual machine    
CPU Credits Remaining Remaining number of credits available for the virtual machine.    


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Privileged Time Amount of time for which the processor was running in privileged mode (in %).    
User Time Amount of time for which the processor was running in user mode (in %).    
Processor Frequency Number of times the processor is in running state.    


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Committed Bytes Amount of commited Virtual Memory (in MB).    
Available Bytes Amount of available Physical Memory (in MB).    
Committed Bytes In Use Ratio of Committed Bytes to the Commit Limit (in %).    
Pool Paged Bytes Size of the paged pool (in MB).    
Pool Nonpaged Bytes Size of physical memory that cannot be written to disk though it is not in use (in MB).    
Page Faults/sec Number of page faults per second.    


Note:  DISK BYTES(TOTAL), OS & DATA DISK OPERATIONS(AVERAGE), and NETWORK TRAFFIC FLOW (AVERAGE) are supported from Applications Manager version 16430 in both Windows and Linux metrics.

Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Disk Read Bytes Total Bytes of data read from all Disk between the poll interval (in megabytes).    
Disk Write Bytes Total Bytes of data written to all Disk between the poll interval (in megabytes).    
Disk Reads Ops/Sec Average number of overall Disk read operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Disk Writes Ops/Sec Average number of overall Disk write operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
OS Disk Read Throughput Average Bytes of data read from OS Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
Data Disk Read Throughput Average Bytes of data read from Data Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
OS Disk Write Throughput Average Bytes of data written to OS Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
Data Disk Write Throughput Average Bytes of data written to Data Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
OS Disk Reads Ops/Sec Average number of OS Disk read operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Data Disk Reads Ops/Sec Average number of Data Disk read operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
OS Disk Writes Ops/Sec Average number of OS Disk write operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Data Disk Writes Ops/Sec Average number of Data Disk write operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Disk Disk Partition    
Disk Usage Disk Free space & Used space    
Total Size (MB) Total disk size    
Used (%) Used disk space as percentage    
Used (MB) Used disk space    
Free (%) Free disk space as percentage    
Free (MB) Free disk space    
Disk Disk partition    
Transfers/Sec The number of read/write operations on the disk that occur each second    
Writes/sec The percentage of elapsed time that the disk drive was busy servicing write requests    
Reads/Sec The percentage of elapsed time that the disk drive was busy servicing read requests    
% Busy Time The percentage of time the disk was busy    
Average queue length The average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the disk during the sample interval    
Disk Name Name of the hard disk
Disk Size Total size of the disk


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Incoming Traffic The average number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine between the poll interval (in kB/Min).    
Outgoing Traffic The average number of bytes sent from all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine between the poll interval (in kB/Min).    
Inbound Flows Average number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM).    
Outbound Flows Average number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM).    
Network Interface The name of the network interface    
Speed The estimate of the current bandwidth (in Mbps).    
Input traffic The rate at which packets are received on the interface (in kB/s) .    
Input Utilization Input traffic percentage (in %).    
Output traffic The rate at which packets are sent on the interface (in %).    
Output Utilization Output traffic (in %)    
Inbound Errors Number of packets that could not be received    
Outbound Errors Number of packets that could not be sent    

Threads & Processes

Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Thread Count The total number of threads.    
Context switches/sec The total number of context switches per second.    
Process count The total number of processes.    
Handle count The total number of handles    


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Service Details
Service Name Name of the service.    
Display Name Display name of the service set by the user.    
Status Status of the service. (Running, Paused, Stopped, StartPending, PausePending, ContinuePending, or StopPending)    
Start Mode Indicates the mode with which the service was started. (Auto or Manual)    

You can also add a new service by clicking over the 'Add New Service' link.


Resource Name Complete resource name of the virtual machine.
Resource ID Virtual machine resource ID
Status State of the VM
Resource Group Name The resource group which has this VM
VM Size Size of the VM
Location Location at which the VM is set up.
Computer Name Name of the virtual machine.
Public IP Address Public IP of the VM
Private IP Address Private IP of the VM
OS Type VM's Operating system
VM Image VM server configuration
Virtual Network ID The ID of the virtual network
Network Interface Name The name of the network interface
Network Interface ID The ID of the network interface
MAC Address MAC address of the network
Network security group ID Network security group of the network interface

Linux Virtual Machine - Monitored Metrics


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
CPU Utilization Amount of CPU utilized by the virtual machine (in %).    
Memory Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the virtual machine (in %).

Note: Memory Utilization for Linux is supported from Applications Manager v171900 and it is not supported for the Diagnostic agent.

CPU CREDITS (Applicable only for B-series virtual machine)
CPU Credits Consumed Number of credits consumed by the virtual machine    
CPU Credits Remaining Remaining number of credits available for the virtual machine.    


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
IO Wait Time (%) Percentage of time that the processor is waiting (i.e. is in an idle state and does nothing), during which there in fact was outstanding disk I/O requests.    
Idle Time (%) Percentage of time that the processor was idle    
Processor Time(Linux) (%) Percentage of time that the processor was used for processing instructions of a computer program or operating system    


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Available Memory The amount of memory available (in GB).    
Used Memory The amount of memory used (in GB).    
Available Memory % Percentage of memory available to the total memory.    
Used Swap Memory % Percentage of used swap memory to the total swap memory.    


Note:  DISK IO LATENCY group metrics are not supported for the Azure Monitor Agent.

Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Disk Read Bytes Total Bytes of data read from all Disk between the poll interval (in megabytes).    
Disk Write Bytes Total Bytes of data written to all Disk between the poll interval (in megabytes).    
Disk Reads Ops/Sec Average number of overall Disk read operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Disk Writes Ops/Sec Average number of overall Disk write operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
OS Disk Read Throughput Average Bytes of data read from OS Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
Data Disk Read Throughput Average Bytes of data read from Data Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
OS Disk Write Throughput Average Bytes of data read from OS Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
Data Disk Write Throughput Average Bytes of data written to Data Disk between the poll interval (in kilobytes/sec).    
OS Disk Reads Ops/Sec Average number of OS Disk read operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Data Disk Reads Ops/Sec Average number of Data Disk read operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
OS Disk Writes Ops/Sec Average number of OS Disk write operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Data Disk Writes Ops/Sec Average number of Data Disk write operations performed between the poll interval (in Operations/Sec).    
Average Read Time Average time taken for a read operation.    
Average Write time Average time taken for a write operation.    
Disk Name Name of the hard disk
Disk Size Total size of the disk


Data Collection Method
Azure Monitor
Azure monitor agent/Diagnostic Agent
Guest OS
Incoming Traffic The average number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine between the poll interval (in kB/Min).    
Outgoing Traffic The average number of bytes sent from all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine between the poll interval (in kB/Min).    
Inbound Flows Average number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM).    
Outbound Flows Average number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM).    


Configuration Table lists Virtual machine details like Status, Location, IP, Network interface, MAC address and Network Security Group.

Resource Name Complete resource name of the virtual machine.
Resource ID Virtual machine resource ID.
Status State of the VM
Resource Group Name The resource group which has this VM.
VM Size Size of the VM
Location Location at which the VM is set up
Computer Name Name of the virtual machine.
Public IP Address Public IP of the VM
Private IP Address Private IP of the VM
OS Type VM's Operating system
VM Image VM server configuration
Virtual Network ID The ID of the virtual network
Network Interface Name The name of the network interface.
Network Interface ID The ID of the network interface.
MAC Address MAC address of the network
Network security group ID Network security group of the network interface.
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