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List Alarms V1 API

This API will list all alarms of the monitors configured in the Applications Manager for the user corresponding to the API Key. This details will include the Health and Availability of the monitor types, type image, Health outages, Critical/Warning/Clear/UP/Down count for each and every monitor type.

Note: Refer to this page to view the V3 ListAlarms API.

API for XML Response : 

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=[ Type ]

API for JSON Response : 

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=[ Type ]

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

APIs for ListAlarms

ManageEngine Applications Manager provides ListAlarms API that allows the user to list the information regarding recent alarms in an XML format. The alarm APIs are listed as follows.

  • Listing all recent alarms
  • Listing all critical recent alarms
  • Listing all warning recent alarms
  • Listing all clear recent alarms
  • Listing recent alarms by time filter
  • Listing alarms by monitor type
  • Listing alarms by monitor resource ID
  • Listing alarms by top N
  • Listing alarms that are acknowledged
  • Listing alarms that are acknowledged

Listing all recent alarms

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&type=all

Listing all critical recent alarms

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&type=critical

Listing all warning recent alarms

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&type=warning

Listing all clear recent alarms

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&type=clear

Listing recent alarms after specified time

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&time=[ Time ]

Listing alarms by monitor name

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&resourceid=[ resourceid ]

Listing alarms by monitor type

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&type=[ TYPE ]

Listing alarms by top N

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&topN=[ XYZ ]

Listing alarms by group

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey= [ API key ]&groupName=Applications Manager

Listing all the alarms excluding monitor groups

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&type=allmonitors

Listing alarms that are acknowledged

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&acknowledgedAlerts=[true/false]

Listing alarms that include configured traps

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms?apikey=[ API key ]&includeConfiguredTrapAlerts=[true/false]

a) For getting all the alarms we need to pass 'type=all' .... it is mandatory.
b) For combination of severity of alarms, ex: we can pass 'critical,warning' as a value for type parameter to get both critcal and warning.

Request Parameters

API Key The key generated from "Generate API" option in the b tab.
resourceid "resourceid=[ resourceid of monitor ]" is used to list the alarms of particular monitor.
Type The severity type of the alarm, separated by commas. (critical/warning/clear)
"type=all" is used to list all alarms.
"type=critical" is used to list all the critical alarms.
"type=warning" is used to list all the warning alarms.
"type=clear" is used to list all the clear alarms.
"type=Trap" is used to list all the trap alarms.
"type=[ Monitor type ]" is used to list alarms by monitor type where <monitor type>  is TYPE in AM_ManagedObject table like Linux, Windows XP, MYSQL-DB-server, Apache-server, UrlMonitor, Tomcat-server, etc.
Top N "topN=[ N ]" is used to list the top N alarms.
Time "time=[ Time ]" is used to list the alarms generated after the specified time.
<Time> is repesented in milli second.
acknowledgedAlerts Lists alarms that are acknowledged/unacknowledged. (true or false)
includeConfiguredTrapAlerts (Optional) Lists alarms that include configured traps. (true or false)

Extra Attributes

AVAILABILITYSEVERITY This is the monitor availability severity (1 - critical, 5 - clear)
HEALTHSEVERITY (previously known as SEVERITY) This is the monitor severity for health (1-critical, 4-warning & 5- clear)
TECHNICIAN This value specifies the technician who has acknowleged/ picked up the Alarm generated for this monitor.
ANNOTATION This value is the annotation added regarding the alarm generated for this monitor.
DetailsPageURL This value is the link to the details page of the monitor for which the alarm is generated.

Sample Request

Listing all recent alarms


Listing recent alarms after specified time


Listing alarms that include configured traps


Response Parameters

Alarm Details
DISPLAYNAME Display Name of the Monitor like Linux-1
RESOURCEID Resource ID of the Monitor
HEALTHSEVERITY This is the monitor severity for health (1-critical, 4-warning & 5- clear)
MESSAGE Alarm message like 'Resource is down. Health is critical as the resource is not available'
ATTRIBUTE ID Attribute ID of health of monitor
MODTIME Time when the Alarm was generated (ms)
STATUS Clear/Warning/Critical - status of the alarm
TYPE Type of the Monitor like Linux
TYPEDISPLAYNAME Display Name of the Type like 'Linux'
AVAILABILITYSEVERITY This is the monitor availability severity (1 - critical, 5- clear)
TECHNICIAN This value specifies the technician who has acknowleged/ picked up the Alarm generated for this monitor.
ANNOTATION This value is the annotation added regarding the alarm generated for this monitor.
DetailsPageURL This value is the link to the details page of the monitor for which the alarm is generated.

Example Response

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListAlarms">
<response response-code="4000">
STATUS="warning" MESSAGE="Health of DB2 is warning. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. Connection Time 1504 > 1500 ms (threshold).<br>"
ANNOTATION="YES" RESOURCEID="10001307" TYPE="DB2-server" DetailsPageURL="/showresource.do?resourceid=10001307&method=showResourceForResourceID&PRINTER_FRIENDLY=true"

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