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Forecast Reports

Forecasting helps IT enterprises to predict future disk utilization based on current utilization trends and balance hardware costs with computing needs. The major objectives of effective forecasting are:

  • Staying informed about current disk usage trends.
  • Plan future disk utilization requirement based on forecast reports.

To view Forecast Reports generated by Applications Manager:

  • Click the Reports module tab to open the index page that lists all the reports generated by Applications Manager.
  • Click on the Forecast Reports link from the list of reports at the left side of the page.

Forecast Reports can be attained for a number of attributes of all servers. Before proceeding, make sure that you have enabled Reports for all the monitors. Forecast Reports uses hourly archiving to collect data for ''today, yesterday, this week, last week'' and daily archiving to collect data for ''this month, last month, this quarter, this year and last one year.''

You can get Reports over various customized time periods. The Forecast Reports can be exported in CSV format. The Reports are classified into two types:

Forecast by growth trend

Forecast by growth trend generates Reports based on current utilization statististics and predicts the growth in utilization in the future based on present statistics. This Report is generated for all attributes monitored by ManageEngine Applications Manager. Variations in growth for every day can also be viewed by clicking on the individual monitors.

Forecast by utilization

Similar to growth trend, Forecast by utilization generates Reports based on current utilization statistics but, it also notifies when the utilization level reaches an extreme high (80%-90%, 90%-100%), allowing to take appropriate actions. This Report is generated only for attributes measured in the percentage (%) scale.

Enable Machine-Learning

In the Report page, you can use the Toggle switch to "Enable Machine learning" checkbox to use Machine Learning techniques for more reliable Forecast Reporting.


  • You can also schedule Forecast Reports for a future date and get notified via email regarding the same.
  • It is recommended that you provide Applications Manager at least a few months of Day-wise Archived data to develop a reliable forecast for a date the same number of months into the future. For example, it takes 2 months of Day-wise Archived data to develop a reliable forecast for a date 2 months into the future."
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