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Configure SMS Server

SMS Server should be configured for sending SMS alarms via Modem. Available in Windows only.


SMS Server Settings

To configure the SMS Server, follow the steps given below:

  1. Enter the Port Number to which modem is connected: For eg. COM3

    To find the Port Number, click on My Computer → right click PropertiesHardwareDevice ManagerPorts (COM & LPT)Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3).

  2. Choose the appropriate Mail Server from the dropdown for which email-based SMS is to be configured.

    Make sure to use the mail ID provided by the mobile service provider (which should be in the format mobileno@serviceprovider.com) while configuring the email-based SMS action.

  3. Click Save.

Modem Status Details

The Modem Status details that would be displayed are

  • Modem Manufacturer
  • Modem Model
  • Battery Status
  • Signal Status
  • Status
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