MaintenanceTask API

The APIs given below allow you to work with downtime schedules in Applications Manager:

Request Parameters

The common parameters involved in these API requests are described below:

apikey The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab.
taskName The name of the maintenance task. This should be a unique value.
taskType The type of task to be created. Possible values are monitor (for an individual monitor) and group (for a monitor group) .You can configure a schedule for a monitor group by providing the tasktype as group.
taskStatus Current status of the schedule. You have to choose from either 'enable' or 'disable'
dataCollectionType This option allows you to stop either monitoring or alarms during maintenance. Possible parameter values are suppressMonitoring and suppressAlarms.
taskid The unique identifier for the task
resourceid The resource id of the monitor or monitor group for which the schedule has to be created

Sample Request:

This example helps you to create a downtime schedule in Applications Manager:


If the API is not executed correctly, the request will fail and errors will be thrown. Refer this page for a list of common error conditions.