Mailbox Role Counters | Exchange Server Version |
Attribute name | Description | 2007 | 2010 | 2013 | 2016 | 2019 |
POP & IMAP Connections |
Current POP Connections |
The total number of POP connections opened since the computer was last started. |
Current IMAP Connections |
The total number of POP connections opened since the computer was last started. |
SMTP Connections |
Inbound Connections |
The total number of currently inbound connections. |
Outbound Connections |
The number of connections that were currently outbound. |
Messages Sent Per Second |
The rate at which outbound messages are being sent. |
Messages Received Per Second |
The rate at which inbound messages are being received. |
Latency Requirements Counters |
Database PageFault Stalls Per Second |
The rate of page faults that can't be serviced because there are no pages available for allocation from the database cache. This counter should be 0 on production servers. |
Database I/O Reads Average Latency |
The average time, in ms, to read from the database file. The average value should be below 200 ms. Maximum values shouldn't be higher than 1,000 ms. |
Database I/O Writes Average Latency |
The average time, in ms, to write to the database file. This latency should be less than the MSExchange Database\I/O Database Reads (Recovery) Average Latency when battery-backed write caching is utilized. |
I/O Log Reads Per Second |
The number of times data was read from a log file. Specific to log replay and database recovery operations. |
I/O Log Writes Per Second |
The number of times a log buffer was written to the active log file. Specific to log replay and database recovery operations |
Log Record Stalls Per Second |
The number of log records that can't be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. The average value should be below 10 per second. Maximum values shouldn't be higher than 100 per second. |
Log Threads Waiting |
The number of threads waiting to complete an update of the database by writing their data to the log. The average value should be less than 10 threads waiting. |
Message Queuing Counters |
Mailbox Messages Queued For Submission |
The current number of submitted messages not yet processed by the transport layer. The threshold value should be below 50 at all times. Shouldn't be sustained for more than 15 minutes. |
Public Messages Queued For Submission |
The current number of submitted messages not yet processed by the transport layer. The threshold value should be less than 20 at all times. |
Information Store RPC Processing Counters |
IS RPC Requests |
The latency, in ms, averaged for the past 1,024 packets. |
IS RPC Averaged Latency |
The number of client requests currently being processed by the RPC Client Access service. |
Cache Statistics |
Number Of Cache Active Connections |
The number of active connections in all data connection pools created for a specific PowerPivot service application instance. |
Number Of Cache Idle Connections |
The number of idle connections in all data connection pools created for a specific PowerPivot service application instance. |
Number Of Cache Connections |
The number of connections to the server stored in the cache. |
Cache Total Capacity |
The size of the cached server connection pool. |
RPC Client Throttling & Client Activity Counters |
Client RPC Average Latency |
RPC Average Latency is server RPC latency, in ms, averaged for the past 1,024 packets. The threshold value should be less than 50 ms on average for each client. |
RPC Client BackOff Per Second |
The rate that the server notifies the client to back-off. Higher values may indicate that the server may be incurring a higher load resulting in an increase in overall averaged RPC latencies, causing client throttling to occur. |
Client: RPCs Failed Per Second |
The client-reported rate of failed RPCs since the store was started. |
Client: RPCs Failed |
The client-reported number of failed RPCs since the store was started. |
Content Indexing Counters |
Percentage Processor Time of indexing |
The amount of processor time being consumed to update content indexing within the store process. Full crawls increase overall processing time, but should never exceed overall store CPU capacity. |
Average Document Indexing Time |
The average, in ms, of how long it takes to index documents. The threshold value should be less than 30 seconds at all time. |
Full Crawl Mode Status |
This counter is used to determine if a full crawl is occurring for any specified database. Possible values are
- 1 - going through a full crawl
- 0 - not going through a full crawl
Average Latency of RPCs used to Obtain Content |
The average latency, in ms, of the most recent RPCs to the Information Store service. These RPCs are used to get content for the filter daemon for the specified database. |
Crawler Mailboxes Remaining |
Any value of 1 or higher indicated the mailboxes in the database are being crawled but when the crawl is completed, the value is set to 0. |
Client-Related Search Counters |
Slow Find Row Rate |
The rate at which the slower FindRow needs to be used in the mailbox store. The threshold value should be no more than 10 for any specific mailbox store. Higher values indicate applications are crawling or searching mailboxes, which is affecting server performance. |
Search Task Rate |
The number of search tasks created per second. The threshold value should be less than 10 at all times. |
Slow QP Threads |
The number of query processor threads currently running queries that aren't optimized. The threshold value should be less than 10 at all times. |
Slow Search Threads |
The number of search threads currently running queries that aren't optimized. The threshold value should be less than 10 at all times. |
Database Counters |
Log Bytes Writes Per Second |
The rate of bytes written to the log. The threshold value should be less than 10,000,000 at all times. |
Database Cache Percent Hit |
The percentage of database file page requests fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. The threshold value should be over 90% for companies with majority online mode clients. The threshold value should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient. |
Database Cache Size in MB |
The amount of system memory, in megabytes (MB), used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database files to prevent file operations. Maximum value is RAM-2GB. Use this counter along with store private bytes to determine if there are store memory leaks. |
Version Buckets Allocated |
The total number of version buckets allocated. The threshold value should be less than 12,000. The maximum default version is 16,384. |
Log Threads Waiting |
The number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. The threshold value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. |
Log Generation Check Point Depth |
Represents the amount of work in the log file count that needs to be redone or undone to the database files if the process fails. The threshold value should be below 500 at all times for the Mailbox server role. A healthy server should indicate between 20 and 30 for each database instance. If checkpoint depth increases continually for a sustained period, this indicates either a long-running transaction, or a bottleneck. |
Database I/O Reads Average Latency |
The average length of time, in ms, per database read operation. The threshold value should be 20 ms on average. |
Database I/O Writes Average Latency |
The average length of time, in ms, per database write operation. The threshold value should be 50 ms on average. Maximum values of up to 100 ms are acceptable if not accompanied by database page fault stalls. |
Mailbox Assistant Counters |
Percentage Processor Time of Mailbox Assistant |
Percentage Processor Time of Mailbox Assistant. The threshold value should be less than 5% of overall CPU capacity. |
Average Event Processing Time in Seconds |
The average processing time of the events chosen. The threshold value should be less than 2 at all times. |
Events in Queue |
The number of events in the in-memory queue waiting to be processed by the assistants. The threshold value should be a low value at all times. High values may indicate a performance bottleneck. |
Events Polled Per Second |
The number of events polled per second. Determines current load statistics for this counter. |
Mailboxes Processed Per Second |
The rate of mailboxes processed by time-based assistants per second. Determines current load statistics for this counter. |
Resource Booking Counters |
Average Resource Booking Processing Time |
The average time to process an event in the Resource Booking Attendant. High values may indicate a performance bottleneck. |
Requests Failed in Resource Booking |
The total number of failures that occurred while the Resource Booking Attendant was processing events. The threshold value should be 0 at all times. |
Calendar Attendant Counters |
Average Calendar Attendant Processing Time |
The average time to process an event in the Calendar Attendant. High values may indicate a performance bottleneck. |
Requests Failed in Calendar Attendant |
The total number of failures that occurred while the Calendar Attendant was processing events.The threshold value should be 0 at all times. |
Store Client Request Counters |
RPC Latency Average |
The average latency, in ms, of RPC requests. The average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded. The threshold value should be less than 100 ms at all times. |
ROP Requests Outstanding |
The total number of outstanding remote operations requests. Used for determining current load. |
RPC Requests Outstanding |
The current number of outstanding RPC requests. |
RPC Requests Sent Per Second |
The total number of outstanding RPC requests. Used for determining current load. |
Percentage RPC Requests Failed |
The percentage of failed requests in the total number of RPC requests. Failed means the sum of failed with error code plus failed with exception. The threshold value should be less than 1 at all times. |
Percentage RPC Slow Requests |
The percentage of slow RPC requests among all RPC requests. A slow RPC request is one that has taken more than 500 ms. The threshold value should be less than 1 at all times. |
HUB Servers in Retry |
The number of Hub Transport servers in retry mode. The threshold value should be 0 at all times. |
Successful Submission Per Second |
The number of currently successful mail submission per second. |
Failed Submission Per Second |
The number of failed submissions per second. |
Temporary Submission Failures Per Second |
The number of temporary submission failures per second. |
RPC Operations Per Second |
The current number of RPC operations occurring per second. |
Information Store Counters |
Client: RPC Operations Per Second |
The number of RPC operations per second for each client type connection. |
JET Log Records Per Second |
The rate that database log records are generated while processing requests for the client. Used to determine current load. |
JET Pages Read Per Second |
The rate that database pages are read from disk while processing requests for the client. Used to determine current load. |
Directory Access: LDAP Reads Per Second |
The current rate that LDAP reads occur while processing requests for the client. Used to determine the current LDAP read rate per protocol. |
Directory Access: LDAP Writes Per Second |
The current rate that LDAP writes occur while processing requests for the client. Used to determine the current LDAP read rate per protocol. |
Messages Delivered Per Second |
The rate that messages are delivered to all recipients. Indicates current message delivery rate to the store. |
Messages Sent Per Second |
The rate that messages are sent to transport. Used to determine current messages sent to transport. |
Messages Submitted Per Second |
The rate that messages are submitted by clients. Used to determine current rate that messages are being submitted by clients. |
User Count of IS |
The number of users connected to the information store. Used to determine current user load. |
Replication Receive Queue Size |
The number of replication messages waiting to be processed. |