Sybase Replication Server Monitoring


Sybase Replication Server is a ‘data movement’ product, which moves data from one place to another. More specifically, it captures database transactions in one database and then applies these to another database. Applications Manager also helps track database performance with it's Sybase monitoring capability. 

Creating a new Sybase Replication Server monitor

Supported Versions: Applications Manager supports monitoring of Sybase Replication Server v15.7 and above.

Using the REST API to add a new Sybase replication server monitor: Click here

To create a Sybase replication server monitor, follow the given steps:

  1. Click on Add New Monitor link under New Monitor.
  2. Select Sybase Replication.
  3. Enter the display name of the monitor.
  4. Enter the Host Name or IP Address of the host.
  5. Enter the SubNetMask  of the network.
  6. Enter the port number in which sybase is running.
  7. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
  8. Enter the credential details like user name and password for authentication along with the database name, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager list by enabling the Select from Credential list option.
  9. If you are adding a new monitor from the Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  10. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate Sybase database server Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  11. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers Sybase replication server from the network and starts monitoring them.

Monitored Parameters

  • Availability tab gives the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the following tabs listed to view the following information:


Connection Time Time taken to get connected to the Sybase replication server (in milliseconds).
Current Memory Usage Amount of memory currently being used by replication server (in MB).
Max Memory Usage The maximum amount of memory allocated for use to the replication server (in MB).
Memory Usage Amount of memory used by the replication server (in percentage).
Disk Utilization
Partition Name & ID Name of the partition and its corresponding ID.
Partition Location Location of the partition on the disk.
State Current state of the partition. Possible values are
  • ON-LINE – The device is normal
  • OFF-LINE – The device cannot be found
  • DROPPED – The device has been dropped but has not disappeared (some queues are using it)
Total Segments (MB) Total amount of segments available on the partition (in MB).
Used Segments (MB) Amount of segments currently in use from the partition (in MB).
Free Segments (MB) Remaining amount of segments available after use on the partition (in MB).
Disk Used (%) Amount of disk space utilized by the partition (in percentage).
Disk Free (%) Remaining amount of disk space available after use on the partition (in percentage).
Disk Usage Graphical representation of amount of disk utilized by the partition (in percentage).


Thread Details
PID A unique process identifier for a thread running in the replication server.
Name Name of the thread running in the replication server.
State Current status of the thread. Possible values are Active, Awaiting Command, Awaiting I/O, Awaiting Message, Awaiting Wakeup, Connecting, Down, Getting Lock, Inactive, Initializing, or Suspended.
Info Displays information about threads running in the replication server.


Logical Connection Details
PID A unique process identifier for the connection running in the replication server.
Logical Connection Name The logical data server and database names for the connection.
Active Connection Name The data server and the database names for the current active database connection.
Active Connection State Status of the active connection. Possible values are Active, Suspended, or Suspended by error.
Standby Connection Name The data server and the database names for the current standby database connection.
Standby Connection State Status of the standby connection. Possible values are Active, Suspended, Suspended by error, or Waiting for marker.
Replication Server Name Name of the replication server.
Operation The description of the operation in process. Possible values are None, Switch Active, or Create Standby.
Operation State State of the operation in process.


Configuration Details
RSSD/ERSSD Dataserver Name of the RSSD/ERSSD dataserver.
Intallation Information Displays the installation information of the replication server.
Log File Displays the name and location of the log file.

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