FTP/SFTP Monitor

Creating a new FTP/SFTP monitor

Using the REST API to add a new FTP/SFTP monitor: Click here

To create a new FTP/SFTP Monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link. Choose FTP/SFTP under Services.
  2. Enter the Display Name for the Monitor.
  3. Enter the Target Address to connect FTP/SFTP.
  4. If Authentication is enabled, enter the Username and Password.
  5. Enter Port No. (Default port number for FTP is 21 and 22 for SFTP)
  6. Enter the Timeout value (in seconds).
  7. Enter the credential details like user name and password for authentication, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager list by enabling the Select from Credential list option.
  8. Select the option Yes or No to indicate whether FTP is secure or not.
  9. If you would like to monitor the downloads (mget) through FTP/SFTP while simulateneously downloading the file, select the option Yes else select No.
  10. If the above option is Yes, then enter the Remote Src. FileName (Remote Source FileName) located in the target address.
  11. Enter the Local Dest. FileName (Local Desitnation FileName) with full path. The file will download in the given path where the Applications Manager is running.
  12. If you would like to upload a file to target address, Select Upload File option as Yes else select No.
  13. If Yes, enter the Local Src. FileName (Local Source FileName) with full path. The file must be available where the Applications Manager is running.
  14. Enter the Remote Dest. FileName (Remote Destination FileName) with full path where the file will be downloaded in the target address.
  15. Provide the Polling interval for monitoring the FTP/SFTP montior.
  16. If you are adding a new monitor from an Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  17. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box to which you want to associate the Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  18. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers the FTP/SFTP Monitor from the network and starts monitoring them.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on the FTP/SFTP monitor instance available in the Services section. Displayed is the FTP/SFTP monitor's bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the health status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Below are the list of metrics that are monitored in Applications Manager's FTP/SFTP monitor:

Connection Time Time taken by Applications Manager to connect to FTP server (in milliseconds).
Login Time Time taken by Applications Manager to login to FTP server (in milliseconds).
File Download (mget) Time Time taken for a file to download (mget) from a FTP server (in milliseconds).
File Upload (mput) Time Time taken for a file to upload (mput) to a FTP server (in milliseconds).
File Download (mget) Size Size of the file downloaded (mget) from a FTP server (in KB).
File Upload (mput) Size Size of the file uploaded (mput) to a FTP server (in KB).
File Download (mget) Speed Rate at which a file is downloaded (mget) from a FTP server (in KB/Sec).
File Upload (mput) Speed Rate at which a file is uploaded (mput) to a FTP server (in KB/Sec).
Full Transaction Time - Download Total time taken to complete the download transaction from the FTP server (in milliseconds).
Full Transaction Time - Upload Total time taken to complete the upload transaction to the FTP server (in milliseconds).
No. of Files Number of files that are present in the FTP server.
No. of Directories Number of directories that are present in the FTP server.

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