Install APM Insight Java Agent in JBoss EAP 6.2.x & above

Note: The application server user must have access to the agent-installed folder.

  • Download latest the APM Insight java agent zip file ( here
  • Extract the zip file to a new directory to find agent jar and its configuration files
  • Open the apminsight.conf file in any text editor and include the following keys:
    license.key=[LICENSE KEY][HOST]:[PORT]


    To learn more about the agent configurations, visit our Configuration Guide page.
  • For the Standalone setup, edit the <JBOSS_HOME>/bin/standalone.conf file (standalone.conf in Linux and standalone.conf.bat in Windows) and add the specified Java arguments to the existing JAVA_OPTS.
-Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman,com.manageengine -javaagent:<agent_directory_full_path>/apminsight-javaagent.jar
    • For the Domain setup, edit the <JBOSS_HOME>/domain/configuration/Host.xml file and locate <servers> tag and add the mentioned tags under your desired<server name="your_server" ...> tag.
      <property name="jboss.modules.system.pkgs" value="org.jboss.byteman,com.manageengine" boot-time="true"/>
      <jvm name="insight">
      <option value="-javaagent:<agent_directory_full_path>/apminsight-javaagent.jar" />
    • Save the file and start the JBoss EAP server

Learn more about Applications Manager's JBoss Monitoring.

Installing Java Agent in JBoss EAP through Management Console

For version 6.2.x

Open the management console through localhost:9990/console and login as “Management Realm” user.

  • Select Hosts tab → Server ConfigurationsServer instance in which you like to install the agent → JVM Configuration tabAdmin Console
  • Click on Edit button to create a JVM Configuration for the server. In JVM options text box, add the following lines (each JVM option must be separated by a new line)
  • Click on save button, you will see “Added/Modified JVM Config” message at top of the page. If the message doesn't appear, check your configuration carefully and save it again.
  • Now, select “System Properties” tab and Click “Add” button.
Admin Console
  • In the newly opened dialog box, fill in the following values:
Name : jboss.modules.system.pkgs
Value : org.jboss.byteman,com.manageengine
Boot-Time : Check
  • And click “Save” button.
  • Finally, start/restart your configured server instance from “Runtime” tab at top left corner of the page.

For version 7.x

Open the management console through localhost:9990/console and login as “Management Realm” user.

  • Select Runtime tab → Hosts → Choose the Host followed by the Server instance in which you like to install the agent → Click View to view the Server configuration.Admin Console
  • Click on Edit button to create a JVM Configuration for the server. In JVM options text box, add the following lines (each JVM option must be separated by a new line)
  • Click on save button, you will see “Added/Modified JVM Config” message at top of the page. If the message doesn't appear, check your configuration carefully and save it again.
  • Now, select “System Properties” tab and click “Add” button.
Admin Console
  • In the newly opened dialog box, fill in the following values:
Name : jboss.modules.system.pkgs
Value : org.jboss.byteman,com.manageengine
Boot-Time : Check
  • And click “Save” button.
  • Finally, start/restart your configured server instance from “Runtime” tab at top left corner of the page.

Note: The same steps can be followed if JBoss EAP is running on JRE versions 1.6 to 16.