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Supported Modems for SMS Notifications

Following is a list of the modems supported in Applications Manager for SMS Notifications.

S No.Modem VersionBaud RateManufacturer
1 iTegno 3000 115200 Wavecom
2 iTegno WM1080A 115200 Wavecom
3 Wavecom M1306B   Wavecom
4 iTegno 3800   Wavecom
5 MultiTech MultiModem MTCBA-G-F1    
6 Wavecom Fastrack M1206B 115200 Wavecom
7 VISIONTEK 81GC   Linkwell Telesystems
8 TELTONIKA ModemCOM/G10 115200 Teltonika
9 DIGICOM Pocket GPRS Micro (Version 1.47) 9600 Digicom
10 DIGICOM Pokcet GPRS Pico (Version 1.47) 9600 Digicom

Mobiles Supported

S.NoMobile ModelBaud RateManufacturer
1 Motorola E398 9600 Motorola
2 Nokia 6210   Nokia
3 Nokia 6310   Nokia
4 Nokia 6230i   Nokia
5 Nokia 8250   Nokia
6 Nokia 6610 115200 Nokia
7 Nokia 7210 115200 Nokia
8 Sony Ericsson T610 19200 Sony Ericsson
9 Sony Ericsson W800i 115200 Sony Ericsson
10 samsung sgh-c100 9600 Samsung
11 Sharp GX30 115200 Sharp
12 Sony Ericsson k700 115200 Sony Ericsson
13 Motorola RAZR V3 115200 Motorola
14 Nokia 7610 115200 Nokia
15 Nokia 3310/3315 19200 Nokia
16 Siemens M35 19200 Siemens
17 Siemens M50 19200 Siemens
18 Siemens C45 19200 Siemens


Can’t find the modem that you're looking for?

Just check whether the device you have meets the following configuration:

  • Your modem must have GSM functionality with the provision to insert the SIM card.
  • It should support 7bit (GSM default alphabet), 8bit and Unicode (UCS2) encoding.
  • Applications Manager uses AT commands to send SMS, so the device should respond to AT commands. [If needed, you can test it using HyperTerminal].

If all the above criteria match, AppManager will support your modem phone.

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