Oracle RAC Monitoring


Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is a cluster database with a shared cache architecture that overcomes the limitations of traditional shared-nothing and shared-disk approaches to provide highly scalable and available database solutions for all business applications. Oracle RAC provides customers with the highest database availability by removing individual database servers as a single point of failure.

Creating a new Oracle RAC monitor

Prerequisites for monitoring Oracle RAC metrics: Click here

Using the REST API to add a new Oracle RAC monitor: Click here

To create a new Oracle RAC monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on Add New Monitor under New Monitor link.
  2. Select Oracle RAC server located under Database Servers category.
  3. Enter the Display Name of the Oracle RAC server to be added as a monitor.
  4. Enter the Scan Host Name or the Scan IP Address of the host where the Oracle RAC server is running.
  5. Enter the Subnet Mask of the network.
  6. Enter the port number in which the Oracle RAC server is running.
  7. Enter the credential details of the admin user, such as the user name (system is the default username) and its corresponding password password for authentication, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager list after enabling the Select from Credential list option.
  8. Specify the Instance Name (Service Name) of the Oracle RAC server.
  9. Select the SSL is enabled option if you have enabled SSL authentication for a given port in Oracle RAC server.
  10. Enable the option Map Existing Oracle Instancesto map all the existing RAC-type Oracle monitors to this RAC monitor.

    Note: Enabling this option will remove the Threshold configuration, Action configuration, Reports, and History data of existing Oracle monitors for the following tabular modules: TableSpace, DataFiles, OracleSegments, RollBack, OracleBlockCorruption, OracleUsers, OracleDiskGroups, OracleArchiveDestDetails, OracleDBLinks, OracleFRAUsage, OracleScheduledJobs, OracleBackupJobsStats.

  11. Choose Discover Pluggable Database (PDB) as 'Yes' to discover and monitor pluggable databases associated with the Oracle DB server (Applicable only for CDB instance of an Oracle Multitenancy-enabled server). To add only the required PDB(s), choose 'No' and add the PDB(s) via Add PDB link available under 'PDB' tab in Oracle DB monitor.
  12. Select the Discover Cluster Nodes option to discover cluster nodes in Oracle RAC server. If the Oracle database is in a RAC setup, then you must use Cluster/SCAN IP in Host Name / IP Address field. Choose Yes to discover and monitor all the RAC nodes as Server monitors.
  13. Provide the Socket Read Timeout and Query Execution Timeout values in seconds.
  14. Specify the Discovery Interval in minutes for the automatic discovery and monitoring of child monitors.
  15. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
  16. If you are adding a new monitor from an Admin Server, select a Managed Server.
  17. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate Oracle database server Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  18. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers Oracle RAC server from the network and starts monitoring them.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Oracle RAC under the Database Servers section. Displayed is the Oracle RAC server's bulk configuration view in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the health status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:

Cluster Details

Cluster Details
Cluster Name The name of the Oracle RAC instance.
Scan IP/Host IP address / Hostname of the Oracle RAC instance.
Number of Nodes Total number of nodes that are available in Oracle RAC instance.
Shared Disks Count The number of shared disks discovered in Oracle RAC instance.
Oracle Version Version of Oracle DB used in the Oracle RAC instance.
Global DB Name The name of the Oracle DB server used in the Oracle RAC instance.
Pluggable Database Size Size of the Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) (in MB).
Oracle Home Home installation path of the Oracle DB server.


Instance Details
Instance The name of the Oracle instance.
Node Hostname where the Oracle instance is available.
Connection Time Amount of time taken to connect to the Oracle instance (in ms).
Number of User Sessions Number of user sessions connected to the Oracle instance.
Database Size Total size of the Oracle instance (in MB).
Free Space Remaining size of the Oracle instance available for usage (in MB).
Health The health status of the Oracle instance.
Availability The availability status of the Oracle instance.
Node Details
Host Name/IP Address Hostname of the Oracle server.
OS Type OS type of the server.
Interconnect IP IP address of the Interconnect.
CPU Utilization Amount of CPU utilized by the Oracle RAC DB server (in percentage).
Memory Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the Oracle RAC DB server (in percentage).
Health The health status of the server.
Availability The health status of the server.

By clicking on the instance name, you will be redirected to the Oracle Database monitoring dashboard for that instance. Similarly, you will be redirected to the Server monitoring dashboard for the node hosting the DB servers upon clicking the node name.

Shared Disks

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Details
Disk Group Number Cluster-wide number assigned to the disk group.
Name Name of the disk group.
Type Redundancy type for the disk group. (EXTERN, NORMAL, HIGH)
State State of the disk group relative to the instance. (Connected, Broken, Unknown, Dismounted, Mounted)
Total Memory Total capacity of the disk group (in MB).
Free Memory Unused capacity of the disk group (in MB).
Used Memory Amount of disk space used by the disk group (in MB).
Health The health status of the Oracle instance.
Availability The availability status of the Oracle instance.

Pluggable Databases

Pluggable Database (PDB) Details
Name Name of the Pluggable database used in the Oracle RAC instance.
Health The health status of the Oracle instance.
Availability The availability status of the Oracle instance.

By clicking on the PDB name, you will be redirected to the Oracle PDB monitoring dashboard for that Pluggable Database.

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