WebLogic Integration Server Monitoring

Creating a new WebLogic Integration Server monitor

Supported Versions: WebLogic Integration Server 8.x

Prerequisites for monitoring WebLogic Integration Server metrics: Click here

Using the REST API to add a new WebLogic Integration server monitor: Click here

To create a WebLogic Integration Server monitor, follow the steps given below:

    1. Click on New Monitor link.
    2. Select WebLogic Integration.
    3. Enter the IP Address/hostname of the host.
    4. Enter the SubNetMask of the network.
    5. Enter the port number in which WebLogic Integration Server is running.
    6. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
    7. If you are adding a new monitor from the Central Server, select a Probe Server.
    8. Provide the monitor-specific authentication information, such as user name and password.

Note: WebLogic Integration Server needs some additional configuration and conditions to be followed for monitoring.

For monitoring WebLogic Integration Server 8.x, you should set the weblogic.disableMBeanAuthorization and weblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookup system variable to true for enabling data collection. Follow the steps given below:

  1. Edit startWLS.cmdsh present in the <WLS_HOME>/server/bin directory and add the following argument -Dweblogic.disableMBeanAuthorization=true and -Dweblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled=true (click on the link to view the sample startWLS.cmdsh file)
  2. Restart the WebLogic Integration Server for the changes to take effect.
  3. Copy weblogic.jar from folder /weblogic81/server/lib in Remote WebLogic server version 8 and place it under <Applications Manager Home>\working\classes\weblogicversion8 folder in the machine where Applications Manager is running.
  1. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate WebLogic Integration Server Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  2. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers WebLogic Integration server from the network and starts monitoring them.

Monitored Parameters

WebLogic Integration servers are monitored based on a parameters/ attributes like Business Process Details, Application Integration details & Message Broker details. Monitoring different WebLogic Integration servers using the Oracle WebLogic Monitoring tool supports both numerical and graphical representations of the key attributes. These attributes provide information about the functioning of WebLogic Integration server monitor and you can receive alarms based on the thresholds configured on the attributes of the server.

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the individual monitors listed, to view the following information.

Business Process Details
Process Name Name of the Process.
Health Health of the process, depends on the below given parameters.
Avg Elapsed Time Specifies the average elapsed time of the process. Elapsed time is the time elapsed since all the instances started.
Completed Instances Specifies the number of instances completed per minute.
SLA Exceeded Instances Shows the number of instances where SLA exceeded per minute.
Running Instances Shows the number of instances running currently per minute.
Aborted Instances Shows the number of instances that were aborted - threw an unhandled exception per minute.
Frozen Instances Shows the number of instances running frozen - failed but can be unfrozen per minute. When an instance is unfrozen, it resumes from the point where it failed.
Terminated Instances Shows the number of instances that were terminated per minute.
Application Integration Details
AppView Name Application View ID
Health Health of the Application
Service Count Number of service invocations since the service counter was last reset
Service Error Count Number of service errors since the service counter was last reset plus the number of event delivery errors since the event counter was last reset.
Avg. Service Elapsed Time Average elapsed time in milliseconds for service invocations. This number averages elapsed time for both synchronous and asynchronous services. For asynchronous services, elapsed time includes only time spent communicating with the adapter and excludes time spent waiting on the asynchronous request queue..
Event Count Number of events delivered since the event counter was last reset.
Event Error Count Number of event delivery errors since the event counter was last reset.
Message Broker Details
Channel Name Specifies the name of the Channel
Health Specifies the health of the Channel, depends on the Message Count, Subscriber Count & Dead Letter Count
Message Count Specifies the number of messages delivered to this channel.
Subscriber Count Specifies the number of process or Web service types that can subscribe to the channel.
Dead Letter Count When the Message Broker is unable to determine the URI to send a message to (that is, no subscribers are found), the message is sent to the appropriate deadletter channel: /deadletter/xml, /deadletter/string, or /deadletter/rawData. The Dead Letter Count specifies the number of messages sent to the dead letter channels since the count was last reset.

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