Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system that translates human-readable domain names to machine-readable IP addresses and vice-versa, using which computers identify each other on the network. It serves as the Internet's phone book by maintaining the domain name hierarchy and managing the mapping between domain names and their respective IP addresses.
Since DNS servers play a predominant role in helping users to connect to a website, keeping your company's DNS infrastructure stable is the first thing you must do. Any issues in the functioning of your DNS servers can can result in downtime and performance interruptions affecting your overall end user experience. Thus, having a robust DNS monitoring software becomes essential to troubleshoot issues and optimize performance.
DNS server monitoring tools like Applications Manager's DNS monitoring serves the purpose by constantly examining the performance and availability of your DNS servers in real-time. It provides in-depth DNS server monitoring by keeping track of various key performance metrics such as response time, record type, search value along with their availability status, and immediately notifies you in the event of downtime or performance bottlenecks.
In this help document, you will learn how to get started with DNS server monitoring with the help of Applications Manager's DNS monitoring tool.
Using the REST API to add a new DNS monitor: Click here
To create a new DNS server monitor, follow the steps given below:
Note: The DNS Server should be accessible from the Applications Manager installed machine.
Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on DNS Monitor under the Services category. Displayed is the DNS Server monitor bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:
DNS monitoring software like Applications Manager provide complete visibility into your DNS server infrastructure altogether in a single window based on the following metrics:
Parameter | Description |
Response Time | Time taken for establishing the connection with the DNS server and fetching the response from the server (in ms). |
Record Type | Records that provide important information about a hostname or domain, which includes the current IP address for a domain. |
Record Available | Indicates the availability of the record. (True or False) |
Search Field | The field to be searched in the selected record type. |
Search Value | The value to be checked in the selected record for the selected field. |
Search Value Status | Indicates the status of search operation. |
Search Time | Time taken to perform the search operation (in ms). |
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